PO Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-
 or 302/529-1876

Birds and Other Wildlife
during the 
Focus On Nature

in  2010 

List compiled by Armas Hill,
leader of the tour

A birding and nature tour in south-central Texas,
from the Gulf Coast west to the Hill Country.


 May 1-9, 2010

(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical     (t2): endangered     (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(r/NA): rare in North America
(i): introduced species 

one of the avian favorites of the tour. 


A List & Photo Gallery of Texas Birds, in 2 parts 

In cumulative lists of birds, scientific names are given & subspecies are noted.

North American Mammals

A list of Mammals during our May '10 Texas tour follows the bird-list below. 

Upcoming North American Birding & Nature Tours


  1. Northern Bobwhite
  2. Wood Duck
  3. Mallard
  4. Mottled Duck
  5. Blue-winged Teal
  6. Northern Shoveler
  7. Green-winged Teal
  8. Ruddy Duck
  9. Least Grebe 
  10. Pied-billed Grebe 
  11. Eared Grebe 
  12. Brown Pelican 
  13. Neotropic Cormorant 
  14. Double-crested Cormorant 
  15. Great Blue Heron 
  16. Great Egret 
  17. Snowy Egret 
  18. Little Blue Heron 
  19. Tricolored Heron 
  20. Reddish Egret 
  21. Cattle Egret 
  22. Green Heron 
  23. Black-crowned Night-Heron 
  24. White Ibis 
  25. Glossy Ibis
  26. White-faced Ibis 
  27. Roseate Spoonbill 
  28. Turkey Vulture  
  29. Black Vulture 
  30. Osprey 
  31. Bald Eagle
  32. Cooper's Hawk
  33. Red-shouldered Hawk 
  34. Swainson's Hawk 
  35. White-tailed Hawk 
  36. Red-tailed Hawk 
  37. Northern Crested Caracara 
  38. Black Rail
  39. Clapper Rail 
  40. Purple Gallinule 
  41. Common Gallinule 
  42. American Coot 
  43. Black-bellied Plover 
  44. Wilson's Plover 
  45. Semipalmated Plover 
  46. Piping Plover (t3) 
  47. Killdeer 
  48. American Avocet 
  49. Black-necked Stilt 
  50. Greater Yellowlegs 
  51. Lesser Yellowlegs 
  52. Willet 
  53. Spotted Sandpiper 
  54. Whimbrel
  55. Ruddy Turnstone 
  56. Sanderling 
  57. Western Sandpiper 
  58. Least Sandpiper 
  59. White-rumped Sandpiper 
  60. Pectoral Sandpiper
  61. Dunlin 
  62. Stilt Sandpiper 
  63. Short-billed Dowitcher
  64. Long-billed Dowitcher 
  65. Wilson's Phalarope 
  66. Laughing Gull 
  67. Ring-billed Gull 
  68. Gull-billed Tern 
  69. Caspian Tern 
  70. Royal Tern 
  71. Sandwich Tern 
  72. Common Tern 
  73. Forster's Tern 
  74. Least Tern 
  75. Black Skimmer 
  76. Feral (or Rock) Pigeon (i) 
  77. Eurasian Collared-Dove (i) 
  78. White-winged Dove 
  79. Mourning Dove 
  80. Inca Dove 
  81. Common Ground Dove 
  82. Monk Parakeet (i)
  83. Yellow-billed Cuckoo 
  84. Greater Roadrunner 
  85. Lesser Nighthawk 
  86. Common Nighthawk 
  87. Pauraque 
  88. Chuck-will's-widow
  89. Chimney Swift 
  90. Ruby-throated Hummingbird 
  91. Black-chinned Hummingbird 
  92. Golden-fronted Woodpecker 
  93. Red-bellied Woodpecker 
  94. Ladder-backed Woodpecker 
  95. Downy Woodpecker 
  96. Olive-sided Flycatcher
  97. Eastern Wood Pewee  
  98. Acadian Flycatcher 
  99. Willow Flycatcher 
  100. Least Flycatcher
  101. Eastern Phoebe 
  102. Great Crested Flycatcher 
  103. Brown-crested Flycatcher 
  104. Couch's Kingbird 
  105. Western Kingbird 
  106. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 
  107. Loggerhead Shrike 
  108. White-eyed Vireo 
  109. Black-capped Vireo (t3) 
  110. Blue-headed Vireo 
  111. Red-eyed Vireo 
  112. Purple Martin 
  113. Northern Rough-winged Swallow 
  114. American Cliff Swallow 
  115. Cave Swallow 
  116. Barn Swallow  
  117. Horned Lark 
  118. Blue Jay
  119. Western Scrub Jay 
  120. American Crow
  121. Common Raven 
  122. Carolina Chickadee 
  123. Black-crested Titmouse 
  124. Carolina Wren 
  125. Bewick's Wren 
  126. Marsh Wren 
  127. Canyon Wren 
  128. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 
  129. Eastern Bluebird 
  130. American Robin
  131. Gray Catbird 
  132. Northern Mockingbird 
  133. European Starling (i) 
  134. Tennessee Warbler 
  135. Nashville Warbler 
  136. Northern Parula 
  137. Yellow Warbler 
  138. Golden-cheeked Warbler (t2) 
  139. Magnolia Warbler
  140. Chestnut-sided Warbler
  141. Black-throated Green Warbler 
  142. Blackburnian Warbler 
  143. Pine Warbler 
  144. Blackpoll Warbler 
  145. Black-and-white Warbler 
  146. American Redstart
  147. Yellow-breasted Chat 
  148. Summer Tanager 
  149. Red-winged Blackbird 
  150. Common Grackle 
  151. Boat-tailed Grackle 
  152. Great-tailed Grackle 
  153. Bronzed Cowbird 
  154. Brown-headed Cowbird 
  155. Orchard Oriole 
  156. Baltimore Oriole 
  157. Spotted Towhee 
  158. Cassin's Sparrow
  159. Lark Sparrow 
  160. Grasshopper Sparrow 
  161. Northern Cardinal 
  162. Pyrrhuloxia 
  163. Blue Grosbeak 
  164. Painted Bunting 
  165. Dickcissel 
  166. House Finch 
  167. House Sparrow (i) 

Mammals & Some Other Wildlife & Nature 
during the May 2010 Focus On Nature Tour 
in Texas

  1. Virginia Opossum
  2. Eastern Fox Squirrel 
  3. Mexican Free-tailed Bat
  4. Evening Bat
  5. Northern Raccoon 
  6. Gray Fox 
  7. Eastern Cottontail
  8. Black-tailed Jackrabbit
  9. White-tailed Deer 
  10. Feral Hog (a cross between Domestic Hog & Wild Boar)

  11. American Alligator
  12. turtles
  13. toads
  14. Massasauga (a snake)
    Sistrurus catenatus

  15. Plain-bellied Water Snake 
    Nerodia erythrogster 
  16. numerous butterflies
  17. many wildflowers