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Tinamous to Shorebirds

those found during 
Focus On Nature Tours 
noted with an (*)

Part 1 of a List of Mexico Birds, 
with some photos,
compiled by Armas Hill 

photographed during a FONT tour 


Part #2 of this list of Mexico Birds: Jaegers to Woodpeckers

Part #3 of this list of Mexico Birds: Manakins to Buntings

ALSO IN PART 3:   Pelagics, Vagrants & Rarities, Hypotheticals, and Extinct Birds or those presumed to be so.

Cumulatively, there have been 12 FONT birding & nature tours in Mexico. 


a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International.
              (t1): critical   (t2): endangered   (t3): vulnerable
(nt):    a near-threatened species globally.
(i):      an introduced species.

The birds in the list below are coded as to their status IN MEXICO:
(MX1):  endangered
(MX2):  threatened
(MX3):  of special concern (or near threatened)

(MXe):  a species endemic to Mexico

(ph):  species with a photo in this FONT web-site

In the list that follows, relating to sightings during FONT tours, the Mexican region & the months are noted.  

BC:   in Baja California
CZ:   on Cozumel Island
   in Sonora
YP:   on & near the Yucatan Peninsula
lower-case letters indicate that the species occurs in the region, but not found (yet) during a FONT tour   

A fine book, "Jungle of the Maya" has recently been published (in 2006) by the University of Texas Press. In it, there some very good photographs of wildlife in Belize, and in nearby Guatemala & Mexico. In the following lists, pages in that book with photos of particular species are referred to with a (p. xx)       


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Central America & Mexico

Birds of Cozumel Island, Mexico     Birds of Sonora, Mexico     Birds of the Yucatan region of Mexico

Mammals of Mexico  (with some photos)

Amphibians & Reptiles of Mexico  (with some photos)

Butterflies of Mexico  (with some photos)     Marine Life of the Yucatan, Mexico  (with some photos)

Directory of Photos in this Website



  1. Great Tinamou  (nt) (MX3) (*)  ______  YP:nov,jun
    Tinamus major 
    Tinamus m. robustus
    (subspecies in southeast Mexico)
    Tinamus m. percautus 
    (subspecies in southern Mexico) 

  2. Little Tinamou  (MX3) (*)  ______  
    Crypturellus soui

  3. Slaty-breasted Tinamou  (MX3) (*) ______  YP:mar,nov,jun  
    Crypturellus boucardi

    Another name for Crypturellus bouccardi has been the "Boucard's Tinamou".

  4. Thicket Tinamou  (*) ______  YP:mar,nov,jun 
    Crypturellus cinnamomeus 
    (6 subspecies in Mexico)

  5. Plain Chachalaca  (*) (ph)  ______  YP:mar,nov,jun
    Ortalis vetula 
    Ortalis v. pallidventris
    (subspecies endemic to northern Yucatan)
    Ortalis v. intermedia 
    (subspecies in the southern Yucatan)

    Plain Chachalaca
    (photo by Dick Tipton)

  6. Rufous-bellied Chachalaca  ______ (MXe)  sn   
    Ortalis wagleri

    The Rufous-bellied Chachalaca has been called the "Wagler's Chachalaca". It was conspecific with the West Mexican Chachalaca (below).

  7. West Mexican Chachalaca  (*)  ______ (MXe)
    Ortalis poliocephala

  8. White-bellied Chachalaca  (MX3)  ______   
    Ortalis leucogastra 

  9. Crested Guan  (MX2) (*) (ph)  ______  YP:nov  (p. 47)
    Penelope purpurascens

    A Crested Guan photographed during a FONT tour 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  10. Highland Guan  (t3) (MX2)  ______   
    Penelopina nigra  

  11. Horned Guan  (t2) (MX1) (ph)  ______  
    Oreophasis derbianus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

    The global population of the Horned Guan was estimated to be less than 1,000 birds in the 1970s. It is said to have declined since.  


    Horned Guan
    (This photo was taken during a FONT tour in Guatemala)

  12. Great Curassow  (t3) (MX2) (*) ______  cz  YP:jun,nov   (p. 47)
    Crax rubra
    Crax r. griscomi 
    (very rare subspecies endemic to Cozumel Is.)  (MX1)  _____ 
    Crax r. rubra 
    (subspecies elsewhere in its range) _____

  13. Long-tailed Wood Partridge  (MX3)  _____ 
    Dendrortyx macroura

  14. Bearded Wood Partridge  (t3) (MX1)  ______ (MXe)
    Dendrortyx barbatus

  15. Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge  (MX2)  ______ 
    Dendrortyx leucophyrs

  16. Spotted Wood Quail  (MX3)  ______ 
    Odontophorus guttatus 

  17. Singing Quail ______ (MX3)
    Dactylortyx thoracicus dolichonyx 
    (the single member of its genus)

  18. Montezuma Quail (*)  _____ (MX3)   SN:jan
    Crytonyx montezumae
    Crytonyx m. mearnsi 
    (has been called "Mearn's Quail"; this subspecies in northwest Mexico & southwest US) _____
    Crytonyx m. montezumae 
    (north & central Mexico) _____
    Crytonyx m. merriami 
    (on Mt. Orizaba in Veracruz) _____
    Crytonyx m. sallei 
    "Salle's Quail", in southwest Mexico) _____ (MX2)
    Crytonyx m. rowleyi 
    (in Oaxaca; this subspecies described in 1966) _____

  19. Ocellated Quail (nt) ______ (MX2)   (closely related to Montezuma Quail, Cytonyx montezumae, of North America)
    Cytonyx ocellatus 

  20. Northern Bobwhite  (*) ______
    Colinus virginianus 
    (with 15 subspecies; more in Mexico than for any other bird)
    Colinus v. ridgwayi 
    "Masked Bobwhite" ______ (MX1)  sn

  21. Yucatan Bobwhite  (*) ______  YP:mar,jun,nov,dec  (has also been called Black-throated Bobwhite)
    Colinus nigrogularis 
    (3 of the 4 subspecies are in Mexico; the other in Guatemala & Honduras) 

  22. Banded Quail  (*) _____
    Philotyx fasciatus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus) 

  23. Scaled Quail _____  sn
    Callipepla squamata

  24. Elegant Quail (*)  _____  (MXe)  SN:jan.sep  (has been called "Douglas Quail")
    Callipepla douglasii

  25. Gambel's Quail (*)  _____  SN:jan.aug,sep
    Callipepla gambelii

  26. California Quail _____  bc
    Callipepla californica

  27. Mountain Quail _____ bc
    Oreortyx pistus

  28. Ocellated Turkey  (*) (ph)  ______  (nt) (MX2)  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 12 & 117)
    Meleagris ocellata 

    An Ocellated Turkey photographed during a FONT tour 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  29. Wild Turkey  (*) (ph)  _____  (MX3)  SN:jan,sep
    Meleagris gallopavo
    Meleagris g. gallopavo 
    (this subspecies in west-central Mexico, the nominate described by Linneas in 1758) _____  
    Meleagris g. intermedia 
    (northeast Mexico)
    Meleagris g. merriami 
    (northwest Mexico & southwest US) 

    Meleagris g. mexicana 
    (northwest & north-central Mexico; this subspecies known as the "Gould's Wild Turkey", with rectrices and upper tail coverts tipped with white rather than cinnamon or buff) (SEE PHOTO OF FEATHER BELOW)  

    A feather of a "Gould's Wild Turkey" found during the FONT tour
    in Sonora, Mexico in September 2008

    (photo by Doris Potter) 

  30. Fulvous Whistling Duck _____  sn  (another name has been Fulvous Tree Duck)
    Dendrocygna bicolor

  31. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  (*) (ph)  ______ CZ:mar,jun  sn  YP:jun,nov 
    Dendrocygna a. autumnalis

    The Black-belled Whistling Duck has been called the Black-bellied Tree Duck.

    Black-bellied Whistling Ducks photographed on Cozumel Island during the FONT March 2009 Mexico Tour 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  32. Tundra Swan ______ (MX1)
    Cygnus columbianus

  33. Greater White-fronted Goose _____  sn  (was called White-fronted Goose)
    Anser albifrons

  34. Snow Goose _____  sn
    (formerly Anser) caerulescens

  35. Ross's Goose _____  sn
    (formerly Anser) rossii

  36. Brant Goose  (*) _____  (MX2)  SN:jan  (has been simply "Brant", or "Black Brant")
    Branta bernicla nigricans

  37. Canada Goose _____  sn
    Branta canadensis

  38. Cackling Goose _____  sn
    Branta hutchinsii

  39. Muscovy Duck ______  (MX1)  yp
    Cairina moschata 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  40. Wood Duck  (ph)  _____ 
    Aix sponsa

  41. Green-winged Teal  (*) (ph)  _____  SN:jan
    Anas carolinensis

  42. Mallard  (ph)  _____  sn
    Anas platyrhynchos

  43. Mexican Duck (*)  _____  (MX2)  SN:jan,aug,sep  (was considered conspecific with the Mallard)
    Anas diazi

  44. Mottled Duck  (*)  ______  (MX2)
    Anas fulvigula

  45. Northern Pintail  (*) (ph)  _____  cz  sn
    Anas acuta

  46. Blue-winged Teal  (*) (ph)  ______ CZ:mar,dec  sn  YP:mar,nov
    Anas discors 

    Blue-winged Teal

  47. Cinnamon Teal  (*) _____  sn
    Anas cyanoptera

  48. Northern Shoveler  (*) (ph)  _____  SN:jan  YP:nov
    Anas clypeata

  49. Gadwall  (*) (ph)   _____  SN:jan,aug
    Anas strepera

  50. American Wigeon  (*) ______  sn
    Anas americana 

  51. Canvasback  (*) _____  sn
    Aythya valisineria

  52. Redhead _____  sn
    Aythya americana

  53. Ring-necked Duck  (*) _____  cz  SN:jan
    Aythya collaris

  54. Greater Scaup _____ bc  sn
    Aythya marila

  55. Lesser Scaup  (*) (ph)  _____ cz  SN:jan  yp
    Aythya affinis

    A male Lesser Scaup photographed in Mexico.
    There are 2 species of scaup. The Lesser Scaup occurs only in the New World.  
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  56. Black Scoter _____ bc  
    Melanitta americana

    The Black Scoter was conspecific with the Common Scoter, Melanitta nigra, of Europe.

  57. Surf Scoter ______ bc  SN:jan
    Melanitta perspicillata

  58. White-winged Scoter _____ bc  sn  
    Melanitta deglandi 

    The White-winged Scoter was conspecific with the Velvet Scoter, Melanitta fusca, of Europe.

  59. Common Goldeneye _____  sn
    Bucephala clangula

  60. Bufflehead  (*) _____   SN:jan
    Bucephala albeola

  61. Hooded Merganser _____  sn
    (formerly Mergus) cucullatus

  62. Common Merganser _____  sn
    Mergus merganser americanus

  63. Red-breasted Merganser  (*)  _____  cz  SN:jan
    Mergus serrator

  64. Ruddy Duck  (*) _____  SN:jan
    Oxyura jamaicensis

  65. Masked Duck ______ (MX2)   cz  yp
    (formerly Oxyura) dominicus

  66. Red-throated Loon _____ bc
    Gavia stellata

  67. Pacific Loon  (*) _____ bc  SN:jan  
    Gavia pacifica

  68. Common Loon  (*) _____  bc  SN:jan  
    Gavia immer

  69. Black Storm Petrel  (*)  _____  SN:aug
    Oceanodroma melania

  70. Least Grebe  (MX3) (*) (ph)  ______  (MX3)   CZ:mar,jun  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Tachybaptus dominicus brachypterus

    Least Grebe
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  71. Pied-billed Grebe  (*) ______ CZ:dec  SN:jan  YP:mar,nov
    Podilymbus p. podiceps

  72. Horned Grebe  (*) (ph)  _____ bc  SN:jan
    Podiceps auritus cornutus

    A Horned Grebe in non-breeding plumage
    (photo by Kim Steininger)

  73. Black-necked Grebe  (*) (ph)  _____   SN:jan  
    Podiceps nigricollis californicus

    Another name for Podiceps nigricollis is the Black-necked Grebe.

    Eared (or Black-necked) Grebe
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  74. Western Grebe  (*) (ph)  _____  SN:jan
    Aechmophorus occidentalis ephemeralis 
    (south-central & west central Mexico)

    Western Grebe

  75. Clark's Grebe _____  sn
    Aechmophorus c. clarkii 
    (north & central Mexico)

  76. American Flamingo  (MX2) (*) (ph)   _____  CZ:dec  YP:mar,jun,nov  
    Phoenicopterus ruber 

    Phoenicopterus ruber has been considered conspecific with the Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus, of the Old World.

    Along the northern & western coasts of the Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, there are thousands of American Flamingos.
    They nest in the late spring and summer in and near the Rio Lagartos Special Biosphere Reserve. Many of them spend the winter a couple hundred kilometers to the west, as the flamingo would fly, at the Rio Celestun Special Biosphere Reserve.

    The Mexican population of the American Flamingo is considered fairly healthy, having risen from a low of between 8,000 and 12,000 individuals in the 1970s (when the Rio Lagartos & Rio Celestun Reserves were created), to about 26,000 birds in the mid-1980s. Hurricane Gibert, in 1988, was a setback to this population growth, but the flamingos have since recovered. 

    American Flamingo

    During the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in November 2008,
    we saw thousands of these birds - at least twenty thousand of them.  

  77. Jabiru  (MX1) (*) (ph)  ______  YP:nov
    Jabiru mycteria 

    Above & below: the Jabiru 
    The bird below was found in southern Mexico during our FONT tour in November 2008

    (photo by Peter Mooney)

  78. Wood Stork  (MX3)  (*) (ph)  ______  sn  YP:jun,nov
    Mycteria americana 

    Wood Stork
    (photo by Dick Tipton)

  79. American White Ibis  (*) (ph)  ______ CZ:mar,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Eudocimus albus 

    American White Ibis
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  80. Glossy Ibis  (*) (ph)  _____  cz  YP:mar,jun
    Plegadis falcinellus 

    Glossy Ibis

  81. White-faced Ibis  (*) (ph)  _____  sn
    Plegadis chihi 

    White-faced Ibis
    (photo by Alex Tongas)

  82. Roseate Spoonbill  (*) (ph)   ______   CZ:mar,dec  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov
    (formerly Ajaia) ajaja  (monotypic)

    Roseate Spoonbill

  83. Great Blue Heron  (*) (ph)  ______  CZ:mar  SN:jan,aug,sep  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Ardea herodia
    Ardea h. herodia _____
    Ardea h. santilucdae _____

    "Great White Heron"  (*)  _____  cz  YP:mar,jun,nov 
    (a color morph of the Great Blue Heron) (rare in Mexico)
    Ardea h. occidentalis

  84. Great Egret  (*)  ______  CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 71)
    (formerly Casmerodius) alba egretta

  85. Little Blue Heron  (*)  ______  CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 64)
    Egretta caerulea

  86. Snowy Egret  (*) ______  CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Egretta thula 
    (both subspecies in Mexico)

  87. Tricolored Heron  (*) ______  CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov  (was at one time called Louisiana Heron)
    Egretta tricolor  

  88. Reddish Egret  (MX3) (*) (ph)   ______ (MX3)  CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Egretta rufescens

    A dark morph of the Reddish Egret
    (photo by Dick Tipton)

  89. Western Cattle Egret  (*) ______  CZ:mar,dec  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov,dec  (p. 74-75)
    Bubulcus ibis

  90. Green Heron  (*)  ______ CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:aug  YP:mar,jun,nov  (was at one time considered conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron, and was then called Green-backed Heron
    Butorides virescens

  91. Agami Heron ______ (MX3)  yp  (p. 11)  (has also been called Chestnut-bellied Heron; one of the world's most beautiful herons, and one of the most rarely seen) 
    Agamia agami 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  92. Black-crowned Night Heron  (*)  ______ CZ:jun  SN:aug  YP:mar,nov
    Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli

  93. Yellow-crowned Night Heron  (MX2)  (*) (ph)  ______  CZ:mar,dec  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 70)
    Nyctanassa v. violacea 
    (the single member of its genus)

    A Yellow-crowned Night Heron photographed in Mexico
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  94. Boat-billed Heron  (*) (ph)  ______ CZ:jun  YP:mar,jun
    Cochlearius cochlearius phillipsi 
    (the single member of its genus)

  95. Bare-throated Tiger Heron  (MX3)  (*) (ph)  ______  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 70)
    Tigrisoma mexicanum 

    A juvenile Bare-throated Tiger Heron photographed in Mexico
    (photo by Dick Tipton)

  96. Pinnated Bittern  (*) (ph)  ______  YP:mar  (p. 103)
    Botaurus pinnatus

    Two photos of a Pinnated Bittern during the March 2009 FONT tour in southern Mexico
    (the upper photo by Marie Gardner; the lower photo through a telescope by Dianne Smalley)

  97. American Bittern  (MX2)  ______  sn  yp
    Botaurus lentiginosus

  98. Least Bittern  (*) (ph)  ______  cz  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Ixobrychus exilis

    Least Bittern
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  99. Magnificent Frigatebird  (*) (ph)   ______ CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Fregata magnificens 
    (now said to be monotypic)

    A Magnificent Frigatebird photographed during the FONT Sonora, Mexico tour at the Sea of Cortez 
    in August 2010 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  100. American White Pelican  (*) (ph)   ______  SN:jan  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Pelecanus erythrorhynchos 

  101. Brown Pelican  (*) (ph)  ______ bc  CZ:mar,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Pelecanus occidentalis 
    Pelecanus o. carolinensis  _____ 
    (subspecies in eastern Mexico) 
    Pelecanus o. californicus 
    _____  (subspecies in western Mexico)

    Above: Brown Pelicans in Sonora, Mexico along the coast of the Sea of Cortez
    Below: a closer look at the subspecies in Sonora, Pelecanus occidentalis californicus,
    with its bright red gular pouch in breeding plumage.   
    (photos by Abram Fleishman)

  102. Northern Gannet  (ph)  _____
    Morus bassanus

  103. Masked Booby _____
    Sula dactylatra

  104. Nazca Booby  (ph)  _____ bc  sn  (was conspecific with the Masked Booby)
    Sula granti

  105. Blue-footed Booby  (*) (ph)  _____  SN:jan,aug
    Sula n. nebouxii

    Above: A Blue-footed Booby by the Sea of Cortez in Sonora;
    Below: A group of Blue-footed Boobies during the FONT tour in Sonora in August 2010    
    (upper photo by Abram Fleishman; lower photo by Marie Gardner)

  106. Red-footed Booby  (ph)  _____  
    Sula sula

    Color morphs of the Red-footed Booby are white and brown; and intermediate. There's a "white-tailed brown morph". In the Caribbean, only the white and the white-tailed brown morphs occur.

  107. Brown Booby  (*) (ph)  _____  cz  SN:aug
    Sula leucogaster   

    A Brown Booby during the FONT August 2010 tour at the Sea of Cortez in Sonora, Mexico.
    This bird of the race Sula leucogaster brewsteri.
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  108. Neotropic Cormorant  (*) (ph)  ______ CZ:dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov 
    Phalacrocorax brasilianus mexicanus  (formerly Phalacrocorax olivaceous)

    The Neotropic Cormorant was called the Olivaceous Cormorant.

  109. Double-crested Cormorant  (*) (ph)   ______ CZ:jun  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Phalacrocorax auritus floridanus

  110. Brandt's Cormorant _____ bc  sn
    Phalacrocorax penicillatus

  111. Pelagic Cormorant _____ bc  
    Leucocarbo pelagicus resplendens 

    The Pelagic Cormorant has also been called the Pelagic Shag.

  112. Anhinga  (*) (ph)   ______ CZ:mar,jun  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Anhinga anhinga leucogaster

    A male Anhinga photographed on Cozumel Island during the FONT March 2009 Mexico Tour.
    (photo by Marie Gardner)
    Below, a female Anhinga.
    (photo by Alan Brady) 

  113. King Vulture  (MX1) (*) (ph)  ______  YP:mar  (p. 105)
    Sarcoramphus papa 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

    An adult King Vulture. Below, during the March 2009 FONT Tour in southern Mexico
    (photo, through a telescope, by Dianne Smalley)

  114. Black Vulture (*) (ph)  ______ CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan.aug,sep  YP:mar,jun,nov,dec
    Coragyps atratus 
    (now said to be monotypic)  (the single member of its genus)

    Black Vulture
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  115. Turkey Vulture (*) (ph)  ______ bc  CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan,aug,sep  YP:mar,jun,nov,dec
    Cathartes aura 

  116. Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture  (*) (ph)  ______ YP:mar,jun,nov  (has also been called Savanna Vulture)
    Cathartes burrovianus

    A Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  117. Northern Crested Caracara  (*) (ph)  ______ bc  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov 
    Caracara cheriway 

    The Northern Crested Caracara was conspecific with what is now the Southern Caracara, Caracara plancus, of South America generally south of the Amazon.  

    The Guadalupe Caracara, Caracara lutosus, now extinct, is said by some to have been a subspecies of the Northern Crested Caracara. It is included in the following List of Extinct Birds - in part 2 of this overall list. 

    Northern Crested Caracara
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  118. Laughing Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 23)
    Herpetotheres cachinnans chapmani 
    (the single member of its genus)

  119. Barred Forest Falcon  (*)  ______ (MX3)  YP:jun
    Micrastur ruficollis 

  120. Collared Forest Falcon  (*)  ______ (MX3)   YP:jun,nov
    Micrastur semitorquatus naso

  121. American Kestrel  (*) (ph)  ______ cz  SN:jan,aug,sep  YP:mar,nov,dec  
    Falco sparverius 

  122. Merlin  (ph)  _____  bc  cz  sn  yp
    Falco columbarius

  123. Aplomado Falcon  (ph)  ______ (MX2)  sn  yp
    Falco femoralis

  124. Bat Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______ CZ:dec  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov,dec  (p. 99)
    Falco rufigularis 

    A Bat Falcon photographed during a FONT tour in Mexico
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  125. Orange-breasted Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______  (nt) (MX1)  YP:nov
    Falco deiroleucus 

    Orange-breasted Falcon 
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  126. Peregrine Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______ (MX3)  bc  CZ:mar  sn  YP:mar,nov
    Falco peregrinus

    A Peregrine Falcon at salt flats along the northern Yucatan coast
    during the March 2009 FONT Mexico Tour. 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  127. Prairie Falcon  (*) (ph)  ______ (MX2)  bc  SN:jan
    Falco mexicanus

  128. Osprey  (*) (ph)  ______  bc  CZ:mar,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Pandion haliaetus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    2 photographs of Ospreys in Sonora, Mexico along the coast of the Sea of Cortez
    as seen during our FONT tour in January 2009, 
    (photos by Abram Fleishman)

  129. Swallow-tailed Kite  (ph) ______  (MX3)  cz  yp
    Elanoides forficatus 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  130. White-tailed Kite  (*) (ph)   ______  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Elanus leucurus majusculus

  131. Gray-headed Kite______  (MX3)  YP:mar 
    Leptodon cayanensis 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Another name for Leptodon cayanensis has been Cayenne Kite.

  132. Hook-billed Kite______  (MX3)  cz  yp
    Chondrohierax uncinatus 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  133. Plumbeous Kite  (*) ______ (MX2)  YP:mar,jun
    Ictinia plumbea 

  134. Mississippi Kite ______  (MX3)
    Ictinia mississippiensis 

  135. Snail Kite  (*) (ph)  ______  (MX3)  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Rostrhamus sociabilis

  136. Double-toothed Kite ______  (MX3)  yp
    Harpagus bidentatus fasciatus

  137. Bald Eagle  (ph)  ______  (MX1)  sn
    Haliaeetus l. leucocephalus

  138. Northern Harrier  (*) (ph)  _____  bc  SN:jan  yp
    Circus cyaneus hudsonius

  139. Sharp-shinned Hawk  (*) (ph) ______  (MX3)  SN:jan  yp
    Accipiter striatus velox 
    (subspecies from further north in North America that either migrates thru or winters in Mexico)

  140. White-breasted Hawk______   
    Accipiter chionogaster

    The White-breasted Hawk has been considered a subspecies of the Sharp-shinned Hawk. 

  141. Cooper's Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  (MX3)  bc  SN:sep  YP:mar
    Accipiter cooperii 

  142. Bicolored Hawk______ (MX2)  yp
    Accipiter bicolor

  143. Northern Goshawk  (*) _____ (MX2)  sn
    Accipiter gentilis apache

  144. Crane Hawk  (*) (ph)  _____ (MX2)   sn  YP:mar
    Geranospiza caerulescens

    A Crane Hawk photographed in southern Mexico
    (photo by Daniel Leon Cordero of the Hotel Exploreana)

  145. Black-collared Hawk  (ph)  ______ (MX3)  yp
    Busarellus n. nigricollis

  146. White Hawk  (ph)  ______ (MX3) 
    Pseudastur albicollis 
    (formerly Leucopternis albicollis)

  147. Harris' Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  (MX3)  bc  sn  
    Parabuteo unicinctus

    Another name for Parabuteo unicinctus is Bay-winged Hawk.

  148. Red-tailed Hawk (*) (ph)  ______ bc  SN:jan,aug,sep  yp
    Buteo jamaicensis  

    A dark morph of the
    Red-tailed Hawk, photographed during a FONT tour.
    This subspecies is the
    "Western Red-tailed Hawk", Buteo jamaicensis calurus. 
    It winters south into central Mexico. Other subspecies of the
    Red-tailed Hawk 
    further south, in Central America, are also dark.

  149. Swainson's Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______ (MX3)   SN:sep
    Buteo swainsoni 

  150. Zone-tailed Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  (MX3)  bc  SN:sep  YP:mar
    Buteo a. albonotatus

  151. White-tailed Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  (MX3)  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Geranoaetus albicaudatus hypospodius 
    (formerly Buteo albicaudatus hypospodius)

  152. Short-tailed Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  cz  sn  YP:jun
    Buteo brachyurus fuliginosus

  153. Broad-winged Hawk  (ph)  ______  (MX3)
    Buteo p. platypterus

  154. Roadside Hawk  (*) (ph)  ______  CZ:dec  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 23)
    Rupornis magnirostris 
    (formerly Buteo magnirostris)
    Rupornis magnirostris griseocauda
    Rupornis magnirostris gracilis   cz

    Above & below: two photos of Roadside Hawks,
    both of the subspecies Rupornis magnirostris griseocauda

    (photo by Dick Tipton)

  155. Gray Hawk  (*) ______  SN:aug  YP:mar,jun,nov,dec   (p. 23)
    Buteo nitida plagiata

    An immature Gray Hawk photographed in Mexico

    (photo by Danny Leon Cordero of the Exploreana Hotel in southern Mexico)

  156. Red-shouldered Hawk ______ (MX3)  bc
    Buteo lineatus

  157. Ferruginous Hawk  (*) _____ (MX3)  SN:jan
    Buteo regalis

    A juvenile Ferruginous Hawk
    (photo by Ed Kendall)

  158. Rough-legged Hawk  _____ (MX3)  sn
    Buteo lagopus sancti-johannis

  159. Common Black Hawk  (*) ______  (MX3)  cz  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov,dec
    Buteogallus anthracinus

    Common Black Hawk
    (photo by Dick Tipton)

  160. "Mangrove (or Pacific) Black Hawk"______ (MX2)  (now considered to be a form of the Common Black Hawk)
    Buteogallus anthracinus rhizophorae

  161. Great Black Hawk  (*) ______ (MX3)  sn  YP:mar,jun
    Buteogallus urubitinga ridgwayi

  162. Montane Solitary Eagle (nt) ______ (MX1)  sn
    Harpyhaliaetus solitarius 

  163. Golden Eagle ______ (MX2)  sn
    Aquila chrysaetos canadensis

  164. Ornate Hawk-Eagle______ (MX1)  yp  (p. 22 & 98)
    Spizaetus ornatus vicarius

    An immature Ornate Hawk-Eagle photographed in southern Mexico
    (photo by Daniel Leon Cordero of the Hotel Exploreana)

  165. Black Hawk-Eagle______ (MX1)  yp
    Spizaetus tyrannus serus

  166. Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle ______ (MX1)  yp  (p. 23 & 118)
    Spizastur melanoleucus 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  167. Clapper Rail _____ (MX3)  yp
    Rallus crepitans
    (formerly R. longirostris)
    Rallus crepitans saturatus  ______ 
    subspecies from southwest Alabama to northeast Mexico
    Rallus crepitans pallidus  ______ 
    subspecies on the Yucatan Peninsula
    Rallus crepitans grossi  ______ 
    subspecies in Quintana Roo 

  168. Ridgway's Rail  ______  (MX3)  sn
    Rallus obsoletus
    Rallus obsoletus levipes: Light-footed Ridgway's Rail  ______ 
    subspecies from south-central California to Baja California
    Rallus obsoletus yumanensis: Yuma Ridgway's Rail  ______ 
    subspecies in southeastern California, southern Arizona, and northwestern Mexico 
    Rallus obsoletus beldingi  ______ 
    subspecies in southern Baja California   

  169. King Rail _____ (MX2)
    Rallus elegans

    After the 2014 split of the Aztec Rail (below) from the King Rail, birds in coastal Veracruz are still classified as Rallus elegans.

  170. Aztec Rail  _____  (MX2)
    Rallus tenuirostris

    What was the King Rail in interior and western Mexico, became, in 2014, the Aztec Rail, a bird generally larger and with more subdued patterning and coloration. 

  171. Virginia Rail _____  (MX3)  sn
    Rallus limicola

    Virginia Rail
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  172. Spotted Rail _____  yp
    Rallus maculatus insolitus

  173. Uniform Crake______ (MX2)  
    Amaurolimnas concolor 
    (the single member of its genus)

  174. Gray-necked Wood Rail  (*) ______ YP:jun,nov  (p. 70)
    Aramides cajanea 

    Gray-necked Wood Rail photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  175. Rufous-necked Wood Rail _____ (MX2)  yp
    Aramides axillaris

  176. Ruddy Crake  (*)  ______ cz  YP:jun,nov  (has also been called "Red Rail")
    Laterallus ruber 

  177. Black Rail ______  (MX1)  cz
    Laterallus jamaicensis

  178. Sora  (*) _____  cz  sn  yp
    Porzana carolina

  179. Yellow-breasted Crake _____ (MX3)  cz  yp
    Porzana flaviventer woodi

  180. Common Gallinule (or Moorhen) (*)  ______ CZ:mar,jun,dec  sn  YP:mar,nov,yp
    Gallinula chloropus cachinnans

  181. Purple Gallinule______ cz  sn  yp
    Porphyrula martinica 

  182. American Coot (*) ______ CZ:mar,dec  SN:aug,sep  YP:jun,nov
    Fulica a. americana

  183. Sungrebe ______ (MX3)  yp  (an alternate name could be the "American Finfoot"
    Heliornis fulica 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus)

  184. Limpkin  (*) ______ YP:mar,jun,nov
    Aramus guarauna dolosus 
    (the single member of its genus & family)

    A Limpkin photographed during the FONT March 2009 Mexico Tour in the Yucatan  
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  185. Sandhill Crane _____ (MX3)  sn
    Grus canadensis

  186. Double-striped Thick-knee _____
    Burhinus b. bistriatus

    A Double-striped Thick-knee photographed during a FONT tour

  187. American Oystercatcher  (*)  _____  cz  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,nov
    Haematopus palliatus

  188. Black Oystercatcher  (*)  _____  bc  SN:jan
    Haematopus bachmani

  189. Northern Jacana  (*) ______ CZ:mar,jun  YP:mar,jun,nov  (p. 15 & 66)
    Jacana s. spinosa

  190. Black-necked Stilt  (*) ______  CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:aug  YP:mar,jun,nov  (was said by some to be conspecific with the Black-winged Stilt of the Old World) 
    Himantopus mexicanus 

  191. American Avocet  (*)  _____  sn  YP:nov
    Recurvirostra americana

    The American Avocet is a rare bird in the Yucatan region of Mexico. 
    This single bird was found there during our FONT tour in November 2008. 
    (photo by Peter Mooney)

  192. Black-bellied Plover  (*) ______ CZ:mar,jun,dec  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov  (also called Grey Plover)
    Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae

  193. American Golden Plover ____  yp
    Pluvialis dominica

  194. Collared Plover _____
    Charadrius collaris

  195. Snowy Plover  (*)  _____  cz  sn  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Charadrius nivosus

    Snowy Plover
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  196. Piping Plover  (*)  _____  (nt) (MX1)   sn  YP:nov
    Charadrius melodus

  197. Semipalmated Plover  (*) ______ cz  YP:jun,nov
    Charadrius semipalmatus 

  198. Wilson's Plover  (*) ______  CZ:mar  SN:aug  YP:mar,nov
    Charadrius wilsonia 

    Two photos of Wilson's Plovers, at opposite ends of Mexico.
    The upper photo on the Yucatan Peninsula; 
    the lower photo along Sea of Cortez in Sonora      
    (upper photo by Marie Gardner, lower photo by Abram Fleishman)

  199. Killdeer  (*) ______ bc  cz  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,nov
    Charadrius v. vociferus

  200. Mountain Plover _____ (MX2)  sn
    Charadrius montanus

  201. Greater Yellowlegs  (*) ______ bc  CZ:mar  SN:jan  YP:mar,nov
    Tringa melanoleuca 

  202. Lesser Yellowlegs  (*) ______ bc  cz  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Tringa flavipes 

    There's but one Lesser Yellowlegs in this photograph,
    but we saw many - thousands of them - at one place along the Yucatan coast
    during the FONT Mexico tour in November 2008,  
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  203. Solitary Sandpiper (*) ______ bc  CZ:mar  SN:aug  YP:mar,nov
    Tringa solitaria

  204. Willet  (*)  ______  bc  cz  SN:jan,aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Tringa semipalmatus

  205. Wandering Tattler _____ bc  sn
    Heteroscelus incanus

  206. Spotted Sandpiper  (*) ______ bc  CZ:mar,dec  SN:aug  YP:mar,nov
    Actitis macularia 

  207. Upland Sandpiper _____ sn  yp
    Bartramia longicauda

  208. "American" Whimbrel  (*)______  bc  SN:jan,aug  yp
    Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus

    A Whimbrel along the coast of the Sea of Cortez in Sonora
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  209. Long-billed Curlew  (*) _____  (nt)  bc  SN:jan,aug  yp
    Nymenius americanus

    A Long-billed Curlew in Sonora, Mexico
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  210. Marbled Godwit  (*) ______  bc  SN:jan,aug  YP:nov
    Limosa fedoa

    A Marbled Godwit photographed in Mexico
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  211. Ruddy Turnstone  (*)  _____ bc  CZ:mar  SN:aug  YPmar,jun,nov
    Arenaria interpres

  212. Black Turnstone _____  bc  sn
    Arenaria melanocephala

  213. Surfbird ______  bc  sn
    Aphriza virgata

  214. Red Knot  (*) _____  cz  sn  YP:nov
    Calidris canutus rufa

  215. Sanderling  (*)  ______  CZ:mar,dec  SN:aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Calidris alba

  216. Semipalmated Sandpiper  (*) ______ sn  YP:mar,nov
    Calidris pusilla 

  217. Western Sandpiper  (*) ______ cz  SN:aug  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Calidris mauri 

  218. White-rumped Sandpiper______ cz  yp
    Calidris fuscicollis 

  219. Least Sandpiper  (*) ______ CZ:mar  sn  YP:mar,nov
    Calidris minutilla 

  220. Baird's Sandpiper ______  sn  yp
    Calidris bairdii

  221. Pectoral Sandpiper  (*)______ cz  sn  yp
    Calidris melanotos 

  222. Dunlin  (*)  ______  SN:jan  YP:nov
    Calidris alpina

  223. Stilt Sandpiper  (*) ______ sn  YP:mar,nov
    (formerly Micropalama) himantopus

  224. Buff-breasted Sandpiper  ______  yp
    Tryngites subruficollis

  225. Short-billed Dowitcher  (*) ______ cz,sn  YP:mar,jun,nov
    Limnodromus griseus 
    (3 subspecies can occur in Mexico)

  226. Long-billed Dowitcher  (*) ______  bc  SN:aug
    Limnodromus scolopaceus

  227. Wilson's Snipe  (*)  ______  CZ:dec  sn  YP:nov
    Gallinago delicata

  228. Wilson's Phalarope (*)  _____  SN:aug  yp
    Phalaropus tricolor

  229. Red-necked Phalarope (*) ______  bc  sn
    Phalaropus lobatus

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