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FISH of the

from the Bahamas
south to Trinidad

A list of Caribbean Fish 
compiled by Armas Hill,
with fish that occur in 
coral reefs and otherwise   

Noting those seen during 
Focus On Nature Tours 
with an (*)

Photo at upper right: A mouth of a WHALE SHARK 
photographed during a FONT tour off the coast of Puerto Rico 
(photo by Marie Gardner) 


CY   Cayman Islands
DM   Dominica
HS   Hispaniola (Dominican Republic & Haiti)
JM   Jamaica
PR   Puerto Rico 

(p): seen pelagically 

Classifications as designated by IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) relating to threatened species:
(t1):  critically endangered
(t2);  endangered
(t3):  vulnerable
(nt):  near-threatened   

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website  

(ASC:xx)  refers to plate number of photo in the "National Audubon Society Field Guide to Seashore Creatures" 

refers to plate number of photo in the "National Audubon Society Field Guide to Tropical Marine Fishes"   

refers to the page with an illustration in the book "A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes, from Maine to Texas" by Val Kells and Kent Carpenter, 2011     


A Listing of scheduled Focus On Nature Tours     

Upcoming Focus On Nature Tours in the Caribbean

FONT Past Tour Highlights

Links, in this following list, to:

Sharks & Rays    Sawfish    Sunfish    Frogfishes    Batfishes    Clingfishes    Flying Fishes

Needlefishes    Squirrelfishes    Trumpetfishes    Pipefishes & Sea Horses    Scorpionfishes    

Groupers, Sea Basses, Hamlets
     Dolphinfish    Remoras    Jacks & Pompanos    Pomfrets    

Tunas & Mackerels
     Cardinalfishes     Snappers    Mojarras    Grunts    Porgies     

Drums, Croakers
    Angelfishes     Butterflyfishes    Damselfishes    Wrasses     Parrotfishes     

Bigeyes    Driftfishes    Sand Flounders    Tonguefishes    Spadefishes    Surgeonfishes    

    Triplefin Blennies    Sand Stargazers    Combtooth Blennies    Pikeblennies

Labrisomid Blennies    Gobies    Eels    Tarpon   Lizardfishes    Grenadiers    Barracudas    

     Puffers    Porcupinefishes    Billfishes

Other Links:

Other Marine-Life of the Caribbean

Mammals in the West Indies of the Caribbean  (land & marine)

A List & Photo Gallery of Caribbean Birds, in 2 Parts

Butterflies & Moths in the West Indies of the Caribbean  (with some photos)

Amphibians & Reptiles in the West Indies of the Caribbean  (with some photos)

During the FONT Feb 2012 Dominican Republic tour,
as we went long a little road, in the interior of the country, 
there was this place where sometimes fish were sold,
as the sign says, a "Pescaderia".
In the photo below, the menu with the local names of the fish. 

WHALE SHARK  (Family Rhincodontidae)

  1. Whale Shark  (t3) (ph) (*)  ______  CY  DM  HS PR (p)  (ATMF:29) (FGCF:65)
    Rhincodon typus

    The Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus, is the largest known fish in the world, and the largest known cold-blooded vertebrate.. It can reach up to 14 meters (42 feet) in length, but typical adults are between 7 meters (21 feet) and 10 meters (30 feet) long.
    It has an enormous head, that is wedge-shaped in side profile, flat-fronted, and squarish from above, and it has small barbets, and a cavernous mouth-opening 1.5 meters (almost 6 feet) wide. (See photo above at the top of page.)
    There are hundreds of tiny, hook-like teeth in each jaw.
    Its eyes are inconspicuous, closed by retracting and rotating the eyeball backwards in its socket.
    The tail-fin of the fish is huge, about one-third of the total body length.    

    Another name for the fish is the Domino Shark, coming from its distinctive black skin covered in rows of white dots.

    The lifespan of the Whale Shark is long. It can typically live into its 70s.

    The Whale Shark is a true shark. Its name, of course, is due to its large size. Unlike vicious Great White Sharks, Whale Sharks are gentle filter-feeders. Plankton is its primary food. When feeding, Whale Sharks glide in circles, as they simply suck up whatever small sea-life is front of them.

    Often seen accompanying Whale Sharks are young Golden Trevally, Gnathanodon speciosus.  

    Although Whale Sharks populate the tropical zone around the globe, the shallow waters off the north coast of the Mexican province of Quintana Roo, on the Yucatan Peninsula, is the only known place in the world where a very large population gathers. They occur, there, in pods of ten or twenty, and it has been estimated that total number there, in the waters, is MORE THAN 200. This apparently is due to the swirling waters where the Gulf of Mexico meets the Atlantic Ocean. Those waters teem with plankton, noted as the Whale Shark's favored food.

    The highest number of Whale Sharks off the northern Yucatan Peninsula is said to be in the summer, although it does occur at other times. 

    A photo of a Whale Shark at the top of this list, and another below with Pilotfish (in the Jacks & Pompanos grouping). 

    SOME COMMENTARY REGARDING SHARKS  (33 species are in this list):   

    The shark fin trade has contributed to catastrophic declines of shark populations worldwide. It threatens to disrupt ocean ecosystems and encourages the proliferation of other predators, which in turn diminishes stocks of fish for human consumption.
    Finning is the cutting off the fins of sharks and then throwing the fish back into the ocean, often while still alive.
    The fins are used in the preparation of shark fin soup, which has been considered a Chinese delicacy.

    Countries that currently have shark finning regulations include: American Samoa, Argentina, Australia (most states & territories), Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, the European Union, Honduras,  India, Mexico, Namibia, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, South Africa, and the United States.

    Something special for shark conservation happened on July 5, 2011 when the Bahamas enacted a ban on the commercial fishing of sharks in its 630,000 square kilometers of water, as it also banned the sale, import, or export of shark products.
    The Bahamas contain over 70 per cent of the shark ecotourism in the Caribbean. It has been estimated that represents $80 million a year for the nation.

    Overall, 2011 was a key year for shark conservation. Hopefully, the realization will continue of the value of a healthy shark population for ecosystems and economies, supporting a policy of protecting sharks in the waters of the world.

    A good and informative book about sharks is "The Shark Watcher's Handbook", by Mark Carwardine & Ken Watterson, published in 2002.     

    THRESHER SHARKS  (Family Alopiidae)

  2. Thresher Shark  (t3)  ______  (FGCF:65)
    Alopias vulpinus

  3. Bigeye Thresher  (t3)  ______  (FGCF:65)
    Alopias superciliosus

    ANGEL SHARK  (Family Squatinidae)

  4. Atlantic Angel Shark  ______  (ATMF:52) (FGCF:83)
    Squatina dumeril

    NURSE SHARKS  (Family Ginglymostomatidae)

  5. Nurse Shark  (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:30) (FGCF:63)  
    Ginglymostoma cirratum  

    The Nurse Shark grows to 10.5 feet in length.

    A Nurse
    Shark photographed in the Caribbean
    (photo courtesy of Diane Allison)

    REQUIEM or GRAY SHARKS (Family Carcharhinidae) 

  6. Blacknose Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:69)  
    Carcharhinus acronotus

  7. Bignose Shark ______  (FGCF:71)
    Carchahinus altimus

  8. Spinner Shark  ______  (FGCF:71) 
    Carchahinus brevipinna

    The Spinner Shark grows to 9 feet in length. It is easily confused with the Blacknose Shark. 

  9. Silky Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:40) (FGCF:71)
    Carchahinus falciformis

  10. Finetooth Shark  ______  (FGCF:71)
    Carcharhinus isodon 
  11. Bull Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:44) (FGCF:71)
    Carcharhinus leucas

    The Bull Shark grows to 11 feet in length.

  12. Blacktip Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:73)
    Carcharhinus limbatus

  13. Oceanic Whitetip Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:39)
    Carcharhinus longimanus

  14. Caribbean Reef Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:42) (FGCF:73)
    Carcharhinus perezii

    The Caribbean Reef Shark grows to 9.7 feet in length. 

    Caribbean Reef Shark

  15. Sandbar Shark  (t3)  ______  (ATMF:43) (FGCF:73)
    Carcharhinus plumbeus

  16. Nightshark ______  (ATMF:41)
    Carcharhinus signatus

  17. Tiger Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:35) (FGCF:75)
    Galeocerdo cuvier

  18. Lemon Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:36) (FGCF:75)
    Negaprion brevirostris

    The Lemon Shark grows to 11 feet in length. 

  19. Blue Shark  (nt)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:38) (FGCF:75)
    Prionace glauca

    The Blue Shark is the most widely distributed of all sharks, occurring in all of the tropical and warm temperate seas. It prefers shallow, sunlit, open-ocean habitat. 

    The Blue Shark grows to 12.5 feet in length. 

    HOUND SHARKS  (Family Triakidae)

  20. Smooth Dogfish Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:46) (FGCF:69)
    Mustelis canis

  21. Florida Smoothound Shark  ______  (FGCF:69)
    Mustelis norrisi

    HAMMERHEAD SHARKS  (Family Sphyrnidae)

  22. Scalloped Hammerhead Shark  (t2)  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:48,49) (FGCF:77)
    Sphyrna lewini

  23. Great Hammerhead Shark  (t2)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:47) (FGCF:77)
    Sphyrna mokarran

    The Great Hammerhead Shark grows to 19.7 feet in length.

  24. Bonnethead Shark  ______  (ATMF:50) (FGCF:77)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Sphyrna tiburo

  25. Smalleye Hammerhead Shark ______
    Sphyrna tudes 

    The Small Hammerhead Shark is in the southern Caribbean, along the Venezuela coast. 

    COW SHARKS  (Family Hexanchidae)

  26. Sharpnose Seven-gill Shark  ______  (FGCF:77)
    Heptranchias perlo  

    MACKEREL SHARKS  (Family Lamnidae)

  27. Great White Shark  (t3)  ______  (ATMF:32) (FGCF:67)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Carcharodon carcharias

    The Great White Shark grows to 19 feet in length.

  28. Shortfin Mako Shark  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:33) (FGCF:67)
    Isurus oxyrhynchus

  29. Longfin Mako Shark  (t3)  ______  (FGCF:67)
    Isurus paucus

    The Longfin Mako Shark grows to 13 feet in length.

    DOGFISH SHARKS  (Family Squalidae)

  30. Cuban Dogfish Shark  ______  HS  (ATMF:51) (FGCF:79)
    Squalus cubensis

    CATSHARKS  (Family Scyliorhinidae) 

  31. Antilles Catshark  ______   (similar in appearance to the Marbled Catshark)
    Galeus antillensis

  32. Springer's Sawtail Catshark  ______  DM  (species described in 1998; the type specimen was an immature male collected in 1969 near the Leeward Islands)
    Galeus springeri

    GULPER SHARKS  (Family Centrophoridae)

  33. Gulper Shark  (t3)  ______  (FGCF:79)
    Centrophorus granulosus

    EAGLE RAYS  (Family Myliobatidae)

  34. Giant Manta  (nt)   ______  CY  (ATMF:64) (FGCF:95)  (formerly in Family Mobulidae)
    Manta birostris

    The Giant Manta grows to a width of 23 feet.  

  35. Cownose Ray  ______  (FGCF:95)  (formerly in Family Rhinopteridae)
    Rhinoptera bonasus

    In the Caribbean area, the Cownose Ray only occurs in northern Cuba. It occur ranges from Venezuela to Brazil. 

  36. Spotted Eagle Ray  (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:62) (FGCF:93)
    Aetobatus narinari 

    The Spotted Eagle Ray grows to a width of 7.5 feet.

    Spotted Eagle Ray

  37. Bullnose Ray  ______  (FGCF:93)
    Myliobatis freminvillei

    The Bullnose Ray ranges from Massachusetts to Brazil but is absent from the western Gulf of Mexico and most of the Caribbean. It has a width up to 2.8 feet.

    ELECTRIC RAYS or NUMBFISHES  (Familiy Narcinidae) 

  38. Lesser Electric Ray  (t1)  ______  (ATMF:54) (FGCF:83)
    Narcine bancroftii 
    (was brasiliensis

    AMERICAN ROUND STINGRAYS  (Famiy Urotrygonidae)

  39. Yellow Stingray  (ph) (*)  ______  JM  (ATMF:61) (FGCF:89)
    Urobatis jamaicensis

    The Yellow Stingray grows to 2.3 feet in length. 

    Yellow Stingray

    WHIPTAIL STINGRAYS  (Family Dasyatidae)

  40. Southern Stingray  (ph) (*)  ______  CY  HS  JM  (ATMF:59,60) (FGCF:91)
    Dasyatis americana

    The Southern Stingray has a width up to 5 feet.

    Southern Stingray
    (photo courtesy of Diane Allison)

  41. Longnose Stingray ______  DM  HS
    Dasyatis guttata

  42. Bluntnose Stingray  ______  (ATMF:58) (FGCF:91)
    Dasyatis say

  43. Chupare Stingray  ______  DM  HS
    Himantura schmardae

    The Chupare Stingray occurs in the Antilles and the Bahamas. 

  44. Pelagic Stingray  ______  (FGCF:91)
    Pteroplatytrygon violacea  

    SAWFISHES  (Family Pristidae)

  45. Smalltooth Sawfish  (t1)  ______  (ATMF:53) (FGCF:83)
    Pristis pectinata

    GUITARFISHES  (Family Rhinobatidae)

  46. Southern Guitarfish  ______
    Rhinobatos percellens

    The Southern Guitarfish occurs in the southern Caribbean, and south to Argentina.

    OCEAN SUNFISHES  (Family Molidae)

    Large fish with disc-like bodies, lacking a tail. 

  47. Ocean Sunfish  (ph)  ______  (ATMF:417) (FGCF:427)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Mola mola

    The Oceanic Sunfish can grow up to 11.5 feet and weigh up to 2 tons. 

    An Oceanic Sunfish photographed during a FONT pelagic trip

    GOOSEFISHES  (Family Lophiidae) 

  48. Reticulate Goosefish  ______
    Lophiodes reticulatus

    FROGFISHES  (Family Antennariidae)

  49. Longlure Frogfish  ______  (ATMF:95) (FGCF:137)
    Antennarius multiocellatus

  50. Ocellated Frogfish  ______  (ATMF:96) (FGCF:137)
    Antennarius ocellatus

  51. Dwarf Frogfish  ______  (ATMF:97) (FGCF:137)
    Antennarius pauciradiatus

  52. Singlespot Frogfish  ______  (FGCF:137)
    Antennarius radiosus

  53. Striated Frogfish  ______  (ATMF:98) (FGCF:137)
    Antennarius striatus

  54. Sargassum Fish ______  CY  (ATMF:99) (FGCF:137)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Histrio histrio

    BATFISHES  (Family Ogcocephalidae) 

  55. Atlantic Batfish  ______  (FGCF:139)
    Dibranchus atlanticus

    The Atlantic Batfish occurs in the Lesser Antilles. 

  56. Pancake Batfish  ______  (FGCF:139)
    Halieutic aculeatus

  57. Longnose Batfish  ______  (ATMF:139)
    Ogcocephalus corniger

  58. Polka-dot Batfish  ______  (ATMF:139)
    Ogcocephalus cubifrons

    The Polka-dot Batfish occurs in the Bahamas. 

  59. Shortnose Batfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:100) (FGCF:141)
    Ogcocephalus nasutus

  60. Roughback Batfish  ______  (FGCF:141)
    Ogcocephalus parvus

  61. Tricorn Batfish  ______  (FGCF:141)  (species described in 1952)
    Zalieutes mcgintyi

    CLINGFISHES  (Family Gobiesocidae)

  62. Emerald Clingfish  ______  (FGCF:349)
    Acyrtops beryllinus

  63. Red Clingfish  ______  (ATMF:101)
    Acyrtus rubiginosus

  64. Bahama Skilletfish  ______  
    Gobiesox lucayanus

  65. Skilletfish  ______  (ATMF:102,103) (FGCF:349)
    Gobiesox strumosus  

    The Skilletfish is said to have been found in St, Martin in the Lesser Antilles. It is not in the Bahamas, where it is replaced by Gobiesox lucayanus.  

    SILVERSIDES  (Family Atherinidae)

  66. Reef Silverside  ______  (ATMF:106) (FGCF:145)
    Hypoatherina harringtontonensis

  67. Hardhead Silverside  ______  (ATMF:107) (FGCF:145)
    Atherinomorus stipes

    HALFBEAKS  (Family Hemiramphidae)

  68. Hardhead Halfbeak  ______  (FGCF:151) (PACF:17)  southeast Florida and the northern Gulf of Mexico, to Cuba and the Yucatan
    Chriodorus atherinoides

  69. Balao  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:151) (PACF:17)  from New York to Brazil
    Hemiramphus balao

  70. Ballyhoo  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:108) (FGCF:151) (PACF:17)  from Massachusetts to Brazil 
    Hemiramphus brasiliensis

    The Ballyhoo was described by Linnaeus in 1758. Most halfbeaks used for bait are Ballyhoo.

  71. Atlantic Silverstripe Halfbeak  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:151) (PACF:17)  Maine to Argentina
    Hyporhamphus unifasciatus

    The Atlantic Silverstripe Halfback is less common near coral reefs than the Ballyhoo (above).

  72. Flying Halfbeak  ______  (FGCF:151) (PACF:17)  from the northern Gulf of Mexico to Brazil, oceanic, seldom coastal
    Euleptorhamphus velox

    The pectoral fin of the Flying Halfbeak is not wing-like.

    FLYING FISHES  (Family Exocoetidae)

  73. Spotfin Flyingfish  ______  (ATMF:104,105) (PACF:18)
    Cypselurus furcatus

    The Spotfin Flyingfish is a 4-winged flyingfish. It occurs from Gulf Stream waters off Massachusetts to southern South America. 
    Cypselurus furcatus is common on high seas, but it does enter tropical bays and coastal waters. It is up to 14 inches in length.   

  74. Clearwing Flyingfish  ______  (FGCF:147) (PACF:18)
    Cypselurus comatus

    The Clearwing Flyingfish occurs from off Florida to off Brazil. It is up to a foot in length.

  75. Margined Flyingfish  ______  HS  (FGCF:147) PACF:18)
    Cypselurus cyanopterus

    The Margined Flyingfish occurs from off New Jersey to off southern Brazil. It is up to a foot and a half in length.  

  76. Bandwing Flyingfish  ______  (FGCF:147) (PACF:18)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1771)
    Cypselurus exsiliens

    The Bandwing Flyingfish occurs from off Cape Cod, MA to Brazil. It is up to a foot in length.

  77. Smallwing Flyingfish  ______  (FGCF:149) (PACF:18)
    Oxyporhamphus micropterus

    The Smallwing Flying Fish occurs off northern Florida, south to northern South America. It is worldwide in tropical seas.

    The pectoral fin of the Smallwing Flyingfish is not wing-like. The fish is up to 7 inches in length.

  78. Atlantic Flyingfish  (ph)  ______  (FGCF:147) (PACF:18)
    Cheilopogon melanurus

    The Atlantic Flying Fish occurs from Gulf Stream waters off Massachusetts south to Brazil,  It is very common in the Straits of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and in Caribbean coastal waters. It is up to 16 inches in length.  

    Atlantic Flying Fish

  79. Oceanic Two-wing Flyingfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:147) (PACF:18)
    Exocoetus obtusirostris

    The Oceanic Two-wing Flying Fish occurs from Gulf Stream waters off New Jersey and Florida, south to Brazil.

    The pectoral fin of the Oceanic Two-wing Flying Fish is very long. The fish itself is up to 10 inches in length. 

  80. Tropical Two-wing Flyingfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:149) (PACF:18)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758) 
    Exocoetus volitans

    The Tropical Two-wing Flying Fish occurs from off northeast Florida to off southern Brazil. It is worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters.
    Exocoetus volitans is very similar to Exocoetus obtusirostris (above), but it is slightly smaller, up to 9 inches in length. 

  81. Fourwing Flyingfish  ______  (FGCF:149) (PACF:18)
    Hirundichthys affinis

    The Fourwing Flyingfish is sought commercially in the Caribbean. Its ranges is from the Gulf Stream off Virginia south to northern Brazil, being widespread in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. It is up to 1 foot in length.   

  82. Blackwing Flyingfish  ______  (FGCF:149) (PACF:18)
    Hirundichthys rondeletii

    The Blackwing Flyingfish occurs from off Massachusetts to southern Brazil. It is nearly worldwide in temperate waters. 
    Its length is up to a foot. 

  83. Sailfin Flyingfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:149) (PACF:18)
    Parexocoetus brachypterus 

    The Sailfin Flyingfish occurs from off northern Florida and the Bahamas south to Brazil. It is worldwide in tropical waters.
    Its length is up to 7 inches. 

    NEEDLEFISHES  (Family Belonidae) 

  84. Flat Needlefish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:109) (FGC:153)
    Ablennes hians

  85. Keeltail Needlefish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:153)
    Platybelone argalus

  86. Redfin Needlefish  ______  HS  (FGCF:153)
    Strongylura notata

  87. Timucu  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:153)
    Strongylura timucu

  88. Atlantic Agujon  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:153)
    Tylosurus acus

  89. Houndfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:111) (FGCF:153)
    Tylosurus crocodilus 

    SAURIES  (Family Scomberesocidae)

  90. Atlantic Saury  ______  (FGCF:155)
    Scomberesox saurus

    RIVULINS  (Family Rivulidae)

  91. Mangrove Rivulus  ______  CY  (ATMF:112) (FGCF:155)
    Rivulus marmoratus

  92. Rivulus roloffi  ______  HS  (endemic to Hispaniola)  (species described in 1938)

    PUPFISHES  (Family Cyprinodontidae)

  93. Cyprinodon bondi  ______  HS  (species described in 1935)

  94. Black-and-blue Pupfish  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic) (species described in 1990)
    Cyprinodon higuey

  95. Jaragua Pupfish  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic) (species described in 1989) 
    Cyprinodon nichollsi  

  96. Sheepshead Minnow  ______  CY  (FGCF:159)
    Cyprinodon variegatus

    LIVEBEARERS  (Family Poeciliidae)|

  97. Gambusia dominicensis  ______  HS

  98. Gambusia hispaniolae  ______  HS  (species described in 1971)

  99. Gambusia puncticulata  ______  CY

  100. Gambusia xanthosoma  ______  CY  (species described in 1983)

  101. Limia caymanensis  ______  CY  (species described in 1970)

  102. Limia dominicensis  ______  HS

  103. Limia melanonotata  ______  HS

  104. Perugia's Limia  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic)
    Limia perugiae  

  105. Sulphur Limia  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic)  (species described in 1980) 
    Limia sulphurophila

  106. Limia tridens  ______  HS

  107. Varicolored Limia  ______  HS  (endemic to Hispaniola)
    Limia versicolor

  108. Yaguajal Limia  ______  HS  (endemic to Hispaniola) (species described in 1980)  
    Limia yaguajali

  109. Striped Limia  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic)    
    Limia zonata

  110. Elegant Molly  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic) (species described in 1948)
    Poecilia elegans

  111. Hispaniolan Molly  ______  HS  (endemic to Hispaniola)  (species described in 1978)
    Poecilia hispaniolana 

  112. Shortfin Molly  ______  (FGCF:161)
    Poecilia mexicana

    The Shortfin Molly occurs in southern islands of the West Indies. 

  113. Yellow Limia  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic; occurs in the San Juan River basin in eastern Hspaniola)  (species described in 1931)  
    Poecilia nicholsi


  114. Atlantic Flashlightfish  ______  (ATMF:118)
    Kryptophanaron alfredi

    ROUGHIES  (Family Treachichthyidae)

  115. Big Roughy  ______  (FGCF:163)
    Gephyroberyx darwinii

    The Big Roughy occurs in the western Caribbean Sea.

  116. Silver Roughy  ______  (FGCF:163)
    Hoplostethus mediterraneus

    SQUIRREL FISHES  (Family Holocentridae)

  117. Spinycheek Soldierfish  ______  (FGCF:163)
    Corniger spinosus

  118. Squirrelfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:119) (FGCF:163)
    Holocentrus adscensionis

  119. Longspine Squirrelfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:120) (FGCF:165)
    Holocentrus rufus

  120. Longjaw Squirrelfish  ______  (ATMF:121)
    Neoniphon martianus

  121. Reef Squirrelfish  ______  (ATMF:123)
    Sargocentron coruscus

  122. Dusky Squirrelfish  ______  (ATMF:122)
    Sargocentron vexillarius

  123. Blackbar Soldierfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:125) (FGCF:163)
    Myripristis jacobus 

  124. Cardinal Soldierfish  ______  (ATMF:124)
    Plectrypops retrospinis

    DORIES  (Family Zeidae)

  125. Red Dory  ______  (FGCF:169)
    Cyttopsis rosea

    TINSELFISHES  (Family Grammicolepididae)

  126. Thorny Tinselfish  ______  (FGCF:167)
    Grammicolepis brachiusculus

    TRUMPETFISHES  (Family Aulostomidae)

  127. Atlantic Trumpetfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:131) (FGCF:175)
    Aulostomus maculatus

    Atlantic Trumpetfish grow to 3-feet in length. The fish often hovers and drifts vertically. It darts toward and sucks in its prey, feeding on crustaceans and fishes.

    An Atlantic Trumpetfish in the Caribbean
    (photo courtesy of Diane Allison) 

    CORNETFISHES  (Family Fistulariidae) 

  128. Red Cornetfish  ______  (FGCF:177)
    Fistularia petimba

  129. Blue-spotted Cornetfish  ______  (ATMF:132)
    Fistularia tabacaria

    PIPEFISHES & SEAHORSES  (Family Syngnathidae)

  130. Fringed Pipefish  ______  (FGCF:171)
    Anarchopterus criniger

    In the Caribbean area, the Fringed Pipefish occurs in the Bahamas.

  131. Insular Pipefish  ______  (FGCF:171)
    Anarchopterus tectus

    In the Caribbean area, the Insular Pipefish occurs in the Bahamas. 

  132. Pugnose Pipefish  ______  (FGCF:173)
    Bryx dunckeri

  133. Whitenose Pipefish  ______  (FGCF:173)
    Cosmocampus albirostris

  134. Crested Pipefish  ______  (FGCF:173)
    Cosmocampus brachycephalus 

  135. Shortfin Pipefish  ______  CY  (FGCF:173)
    Cosmocampus elucens

  136. Banded Pipefish  ______  CY  (FGCF:173)  (also called Harlequin Pipefish)
    Halicampus (or Micrognathus) crinitus  (or Micrognathus ensenadae)

  137. Opossum Pipefish  ______  (FGCF:173)
    Microphis brachyurus lineatus  

  138. Caribbean Pipefish  ______
    Syngnathus caribbaeus

  139. Syngnathus dawsini  ______

    Syngnathus dawsoni occurs from Puerto Rico to Martinique.

  140. Dusky Pipefish  ______  (ATMF:126) (FGCF:173)
    Syngnathus floridae

    The Dusky Pipefish occurs in the Bahamas.

  141. Sargassum Pipefish  ______  (ATMF:128) (FGCF:175)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Synganthus pelagicus

  142. Pipehorse  ______  (FGCF:171)
    Acentronura dendritica

  143. Lined Seahorse  (ph)  ______  CY  (ATMF:130) (FGCF:171)
    Hippocampus erectus

    Lined Seahorse

  144. Longsnout Seahorse  ______  CY  (FGCF:171)
    Hippocampus reidi

  145. Dwarf Seahorse  ______  (FGCF:171)
    Hippocampus zosterae

    In the Caribbean area, the Dwarf Seahorse occurs in the Bahamas.    

    SNIPEFISH  (Family Macroramphosidae) 

  146. Slender Snipefish  ______  (FGCF:177)
    Macroramphosus gracilis

    FLYING GURNARDS  (Family Dactylopteridae)

    FLYING GURNARDS are distinctive, spectacular fishes, but their relationships to other fish are not clear. 
    Some ichthyologists consider them to be related to the SEAHORSES and PIPEFISHES. 
    Others believe that they are related to the SCORPIONFISHES because, like them, they are mail-cheeked fishes, so-called because one of the bones surrounding he eye has an extension that crosses the cheek and connects with the preopercle.
    Because there is no firm evidence supporting their relationship to other mail-cheeked fishes, they are placed in a separate order containing only one family.         

  147. Flying Gurnard  (ph)  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:133,134) (FGCF:177)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Dactylopterus volitans

    Flying Gurnards are easily recognized by their huge pectoral fins and heavily armored heads. Contrary to their name, they do not fly, although the big pectoral fins look like wings. 
    Juveniles are pelagic, drifting in the open sea. Adults are bottom-dwellers.

    With its enlarged pectoral fins, the Flying Gurnard sometimes resembles a ray when seen underwater. Some searobins also have enlarged pectoral fins, but they do not have keeled scales as the Flying Gurnard does.
    Flyingfishes have enlarged pectoral fins, but also have abdominal pelvic fins.

    Flying Gurnard

    SCORPIONFISHES (or THORNYHEADS)  (Family Scorpaenidae)

  148. Blackbelly Scorpionfish  ______  (FGCF:179)
    Helicolenus dactylopterus

  149. Coral Scorpionfish  ______  (FGCF:181)
    Scorpaena albifimbria

  150. Goosehead Scorpionfish  ______  (FGCF:181)
    Scorpaena bergi

  151. Barbfish  ______  (ATMF:135) (FGCF:181)
    Scorpaena brasiliensis

  152. Plumed Scorpionfish  ______  CY  (FGCF:181)
    Scorpaena grandicornis

  153. Mushroom Scorpionfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:136) (FGCF:181)
    Scorpaena inermis  

  154. Spotted Scorpionfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:137,138) (FGCF:183)
    Scorpaena plumieri

  155. Reef Scorpionfish  ______  DM  (ATMF:1390 (FGCF:183)
    Scorpaenodes caribbaeus

  156. Deepreef Scorpionfish  ______  (FGCF:183)
    Scorpaenodes tredecimspinosus

  157. Red Lionfish  ______  (FGCF:179)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Pterois volitans

    The Red Lionfish is native to the Pacific and Indian Oceans, It is believed to have been introduced into Florida waters in the 1990s. The population in the western Atlantic and the Caribbean has been expanding. 

    SEAROBINS    (Family Triglidae)

  158. Spiny Searobin  ______  (FGCF:185)
    Prionotus alatus

  159. Bandtail Searobin  ______  (ATMF:141) (FGCF:185)
    Prionotus ophryas

  160. Blue-spotted Searobin  ______  (FGCF:187)
    Prionotus roseus

  161. Blackwing Searobin  ______  (FGCF:187)
    Prionotus rubio

    SNOOKS  (Family Centropomidae)

  162. Swordspine Snook  ______  DM  (FGCF:195)
    Centropomus ensiferus

  163. Smallscale Fat Snook  ______  DM  (FGCF:195)
    Centropomus parallelus

  164. Tarpon Snook  ______  DM  (FGCF:195)
    Centropomus pectinatus

  165. Common Snook  ______  DM  (ATMF:142) (FGCF:197)
    Centropomus undecimalis 

    GROUPERS & SEA BASSES  (Family Serranidae)  including HAMLETS

  166. Marbled Grouper  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:157) (FGCF:201)
    Dermatolepis inermis

  167. Sand Perch  ______  (ATMF:143) (FGCF:203)  (another name is Sand Seabass) (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Diplectrum formosum

  168. Rock Hind  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:158) (FGCF:203)
    Epinephelus adescensionis 

  169. Speckled Hind  ______  (FGCF:203)
    Epinephelus drummondhayi

  170. Red Hind  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:159) (FGCF:203)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Epinephelus guttatus

  171. Goliath Grouper  (t1) ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:160) (FGCF:205)  (has also been called Jewfish)
    Epinephelus itajara

    The critically endangered Goliath Grouper, or Jewfish, grows up to 8.2 feet in length. It is said to reach weight of more than 700 pounds. The sportsfishing record is 680 pounds.

    It is a large, rather slow-moving fish that occurs in shallow waters around mangroves, making it an easy prey for spearfishers.
    The Goliath Grouper is an excellent food fish, but is now protected in U.S. waters.
    It feeds on large crustaceans, such as spiny lobsters, and a variety of fishes.  
    The origin of the name Jewfish, which dates to the 1600s, is uncertain.

  172. Red Grouper  (nt)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:161) (FGCF:205)
    Epinephelus morio

  173. Misty Grouper  ______  (ATMF:162) (FGCF:205)
    Epinephelus mystacinus

  174. Warsaw Grouper  (t1)  ______  (FGCF:205)
    Epinephelus nigritus 
    (some place in the genus Hyporthodus

    Juvenile Warsaw Groupers may be found around reefs and jetties. 

  175. Snowy Grouper  (t3)  ______  (ATMF:163) (FGCF:205)
    Epinephelus niveatus 
    (some place in the genus Hyporthodus) 

  176. Nassau Grouper  (t2)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:164) (FGCF:207)
    Epinephelus striatus

  177. Western Comb Grouper  ______  DM  (FGCF:213)
    Mycteroperca acutirostris

  178. Black Grouper  (nt)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:166) (FGCF:213)
    Mycteroperca bonaci

  179. Yellowmouth Grouper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:168) (FGCF:213)
    Mycteroperca interstitialis

  180. Gag  ______  (FGCF:215)
    Mycteroperca microlepis

  181. Scamp  ______ (FGCF:215)
    Mycteroperca phenax 

  182. Tiger Grouper ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:169) (FGCF:215)
    Mycteroperca tigris

  183. Yellowfin Grouper  (nt) (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:167) (FGCF:215)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758) 
    Mycteroperca venenosa

    Yellowfin Grouper, with a Green Moray next to it
    (photo in the Cayman Islands)

  184. Atlantic Creolefish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:165) (FGCF:215)
    Paranthias furcifer

  185. Apricot Bass  ______  (FGCF:217)
    Plectranthias garrupellus

  186. Roughtongue Bass  ______  (FGCF:217)
    (formerly Holanthias) martinicensis

  187. Reef Bass  ______  DM  (ATMF:171) (FGCF:217)
    Pseudogramma gregoryi

  188. Freckled Soapfish  ______  (ATMF:172) (FGCF:217)
    Rypticus bistrispinus

  189. Greater Soapfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:173) (FGCF:219)
    Rypticus saponaceus

  190. Spotted Soapfish  ______  DM  (ATMF:174) (FGCF:219)
    Rypticus subbifrenatus

  191. Haitian Soapfish  ______  
    Rypticus bornoi

    The Haitian Soapfish is known from only one specimen from off Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It differs in the number of vertebrae, and has large spots on the sides of its head.   

  192. School Bass  ______  (FGCF:219)
    (formerly Serranus) beta

  193. Pygmy Sea Bass  ______  (FGCF:219)
    Serraniculus pumilio

  194. Orangeback Bass  ______  (FGCF:219)
    Serranus annularis 

  195. Lantern Bass  ______  CY  (ATMF:149) (FGCF: 221)
    Serranus baldwini

  196. Snow Bass  ______  (FGCF:221)
    Serranus chionaraia

  197. Tattler  ______  (FGCF:221)
    Serranus phoeba

  198. Tobaccofish  ______  CY  (ATMF:151) (FGCF:223)  
    Serranus tabacarius

  199. Harlequin Bass  ______  (ATMF:152) (FGCF:223)
    Serranus tigrinus

  200. Chalk Bass  ______  (ATMF:153) (FGCF:223)
    Serranus tortugarum

  201. Sand Perch  ______  (FGCF:203)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Diplectrum formosum

  202. Mutton Hamlet  ______  CY  HS  (ATMF:156) (FGCF:199)
    Alphestes afer

  203. Yellowfin Bass ______  (FGCF:199)
    Anthias nicholsi

    Yellowfin Bass are hermaphroditic. Females mature into males. 

  204. Threadnose Bass  ______  (FGCF:199)
    Anthias nicholsi

    Threadnose Bass are planktivorous and form large schools.

  205. Bank Sea Bass ______  (FGCF:199)
    Centropristis ocyurus

  206. Graysby  ______  CY  (ATMF:155) (FGCF:201)
    (formerly Epinephelus) cruentata

  207. Coney  ______  CY  (ATMF:154) (FGCF:201)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Cephalopholis (formerly Epinephelus) fulva

    The Coney occasionally follows Moray Eels in search of prey.  

  208. Spanish Flag  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:207)
    Gonioplectrus hispanus 
    (the only species in its genus)  

  209. Red Barbier  ______  (FGCF:207)
    Hemanthias vivanus 

    Red Barbier form large, fast-moving schools. 

  210. Yellowbelly Hamlet  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:209)
    Hypoplectrus aberrans

  211. Yellowtail Hamlet  ______  (FGCF:209)
    Hypoplectrus chlorurus

  212. Blue Hamlet  (ph)  ______  (FGCF:209)
    Hypoplectrus gemma

    The Blue Hamlet occurs in south Florida, the Florida Keys, and the Bahamas. It grows up to 5 inches in length.

    Blue Hamlet

  213. Golden Hamlet  ______  CY  HS  (FGCF:209)
    Hypoplectrus gummigutta

  214. Shy Hamlet  ______  CY  HS  (ATMF:145) (FGCF:209)
    Hypoplectrus guttavarius

  215. Indigo Hamlet  ______  CY  HS  (ATMF:147) (FGCF:209)  
    Hypoplectrus indigo

  216. Black Hamlet ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:148) (FGCF:211)
    Hypoplectrus nigricans

  217. Barred Hamlet  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:146) (FGCF:211)
    Hypoplectrus puella

  218. Butter Hamlet ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:144) (FGCF:211)
    Hypoplectrus unicolor

    The Butter Hamlet may hybridize with the Barred Hamlet.

  219. Tan Hamlet  ______  (FGCF:211)
    Hypoplectrus randallorum 
    (this species described in 2011, although it had been recognized in literature for decades, since about 1960) 

    The Tan Hamlet occurs in parts of the Caribbean, including the Florida Keys, Puerto Rico, other West Indian islands, and Belize.

  220. Candy Basslet  ______  (FGCF:211)  (species described in 1963)   
    Liopropoma carmabi

  221. Wrasse Basslet  ______  (FGCF:211)  (species described in 1962)
    Liopropoma eukrines

  222. Cave Basslet  ______  (FGCF:213)  (species described in 1951) 
    Liopropoma mowbrayi

  223. Peppermint Basslet  (ph)  ______  CY  (ATMF:170) (FGCF:213)  (another name is Swissguard Basslet)
    Liopropoma rubre 

    Peppermint Basslet

    BASSLETS  (Family Grammatidae)

  224. Fairy Basslet  ______  (ATMF:175) (FGCF:223)  (has also been called Royal Gramma)
    Gramma loreto

  225. Blackcap Basslet  ______  CY  (ATMF:176)
    Gramma melacara

  226. Threeline Basslet  ______  (ATMF:177) (FGCF:223)  (species described in 1963)
    Lipogramma trilineatus

    JAWFISHES  (Family Opistognathidae)

  227. Yellowhead Jawfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:349) (FGCF:225)
    Opistognathus aurifrons

  228. Yellow Jawfish  ______ 
    Opistognathus gilberti

  229. Moustache Jawfish  ______  (FGCF:225)
    Opistognathus lonchurus

  230. Banded Jawfish  ______  (ATMF:350) (FGCF:225)
    Opistognathus macrognathus

  231. Spotfin Jawfish  ______  (FGCF:227)  (species described in 1997)
    Opistognathus robinsi

  232. Dusky Jawfish  ______  (FGCF:227)
    Opistognathus whitehursti

    TILEFISHES  (Family Malacanthidae)

  233. Goldface Tilefish  ______  HS  (FGCF:237)
    Caulolatilus chrysops

  234. Blackline Tilefish  ______  DM  (FGCF:237)
    Caulolatilus cyanops

  235. Anchor Tilefish  ______  (FGCF:237)  (also called Gulf Bare-eye)
    Caulolatilus intermedius

  236. Sand Tilefish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:275) (FGCF:237)
    Malacanthus plumieri 

    BLUEFISH  (Family Pomatomidae)

  237. Bluefish  ______  (ATMF:271) (FGCF:239)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Pomatomus saltatrix

    Bluefish, in waters of eastern North America, migrate north in summer, south in winter.

    DOLPHINFISHES  (Family Coryphaenidae)

  238. Dolphinfish  (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:276) (FGCF:239)  (also called Dorado and Mahi-mahi (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Coryphaena hippurus

  239. Pompano Dolphinfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:239)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Coryphaena equiselis

    The Pompano Dolphinfish schools with and is often misidentified as Dolphinfish.

    COBIA  (Family Rachycentridae)

  240. Cobia  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:272) (FGCF:239)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Rachycentron canadum   

    REMORAS  (Family Echeneidae)

  241. Sharksucker  ______  CY  HS  (ATMF:273) (FGCF:241)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Echeneis naucrates

  242. Whitefin Sharksucker  ______  CY  (FGCF:241)
    Echeneis neucratoides

  243. Spearfish Remora  ______  (FGCF:241)
    Remora brachyptera

    The Spearfish Remora associates with billfishes, and also with sharks and molas.

  244. Marlinsucker  ______  (FGCF:241)
    Remora osteochir

  245. Remora  ______  (ATMF:274) (FGCF:241)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Remora remora

  246. White Suckerfish  ______  (FGCF:241)
    (formerly Remora) albescens

    The White Suckerfish is usually found attached to Giant Manta and Black Marlin, or on occasion it is with sharks.

    JACKS, SCADS, POMPANOS, & PERMIT  (Family Carangidae)

  247. African Pompano  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:261) (FGCF:243)
    Alectis ciliaris

  248. Yellow Jack  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:254) (FGCF:243)
    Caranx bartholomaei

  249. Blue Runner  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:255) (FGCF:243)
    Caranx crysos

  250. Crevalle Jack  ______  HS  (ATMF:256) (FGCF:243)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Caranx hippos

  251. Horse-eye Jack  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:257) (FGCF:243) (also called Bigeye Jack or Horse-eye Trevally)   
    Caranx latus

  252. Black Jack  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:258) (FGCF:245)
    Caranx lugubris

  253. Bar Jack  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:259) FGCF:245)  (also called Skipjack)
    Caranx ruber  

  254. Atlantic Bumper  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:260) (FGCF:245)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Chloroscombrus chrysurus   

  255. Round Scad  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:252) (FGCF:245)
    Decapterus punctatus

  256. Rainbow Runner  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:265) (FGCF:247)
    Elagatis bipinnulata

  257. Bluntnose Jack  ______  (FGCF:247)
    Hemicaranx amplyrhynchus

  258. Pilotfish  (ph)  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:247)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Naucrates ductor

    Adult Pilotfish follow large sharks, rays, and sea turtles. Juveniles associate with seaweed and jellyfish.

    Above: Pilotfish;   Below: Pilotfish with a Whale Shark 

  259. Leatherjack  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:267) (FGCF:247)
    Oligoplites saurus

  260. Bigeye Scad  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:253) (FGCF:249)
    Selar crumenophthalmus

  261. Atlantic Moonfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:262)
    Selene setapinnis

  262. Lookdown  ______  HS  (ATMF:263,264) (FGCF:249)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Selene vomer 

  263. Greater Amberjack  (*) ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:266) (FGC:249)
    Seriola dumerili

    A roving offshore predator, the Greater Amberjack is the largest and most common of the Atlantic amberjacks.

  264. Lesser Amberjack  ______  (FGCF:251)
    Seriola fasciata

  265. Almaco Jack  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:251)
    Seriola rivoliana

  266. Florida Pompano  ______  (ATMF:268) (FGCF:251)
    Trachinotus carolinus

  267. Permit  ______  CY  HS  (ATMF:269) (FGCF:251)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758) 
    Trachinotus falcatus

  268. Palometa  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:270) (FGCF:253)
    Trachinotus goodei

    POMFRETS  (Family Bramidae)

  269. Caribbean Pomfret  ______  (FGCF:253)  (species described in 1972)
    Brama caribbea

  270. Lowfin Pomfret  ______  (FGCF:255)
    Brama dussumieri

  271. Atlantic Fanfish  ______  HS  (FGCF:255)
    Pterycombus brama

  272. Bigscale Pomfret  ______  (FGCF:255)
    Taratichthys longipinnis 

    The Bigscale Pomfret has been found in Puerto Rico.

    TUNAS & MACKERELS  (Family Scombridae)

  273. Bullet Mackerel (or Tuna  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:380) (FGCF:379) 
    Auxis rochei

  274. Frigate Mackerel (or Tuna ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:379)
    Auxis thazard 

  275. Albacore  ______  HS  (FGCF:383)
    Thunnus alalunga

  276. Yellowfin Tuna ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:383) (FGCF:383) 
    Thunnus albacares

  277. Blackfin Tuna  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:383)
    Thunnus atlanticus

  278. Bigeye Tuna  (t3)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:385)
    Thunnus obesus

  279. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna  (t2)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:385)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Thunnus thynnus  

  280. Skipjack Tuna  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:382) (FGCF:381)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758) 
    Katsuwonus pelamis

  281. Little Tunny  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:381)
    Euthynnus alleteratus

  282. Atlantic Chub Mackerel  ______  (FGCF:381)
    Scomber colias

  283. King Mackerel  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:381)
    Scomberomorus cavalla

    The King Mackerel grows up to 6.2 feet in length.

  284. Cero  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:379) (FGCF:383) 
    Scomberomorus regalis  

  285. Wahoo ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:377) (FGCF:379) 
    Acanthocybium solandri

    The Wahoo grows up to 7.3 feet in length.

    CARDINAL FISHES  (Family Apogonidae)

  286. Bigtooth Cardinalfish  ______  CY  (FGCF:229)
    Apogon affinis

  287. Bridle Cardinalfish  ______  CY  (FGCF:229)
    Apogon aurolineatus

  288. Barred Cardinalfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:185) (FGCF:229)
    Apogon binotatus

  289. Oddscale Cardinalfish  ______  (ATMF:182)
    Apogon evermanni

  290. Whitestart Cardinalfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:184) (FGCF:231)
    Apogon lachneri

  291. Slendertail Cardinalfish  ______  (FGCF:231)
    Apogon leptocaulus

  292. Flamefish  ______  CY  (ATMF:183) (FGCH:231)
    Apogon maculatus

  293. Mimic Cardinalfish  ______  (FGCF:231)
    Apogon phenax

  294. Broadsaddle Cardinalfish  ______  (FGCF:231)
    Apogon pillionatus

  295. Pale Cardinalfish  ______  (ATMF:187) (FGCF:233)
    Apogon planifrons

  296. Twospot Cardinalfish  ______  (FGCF:233)
    Apogon pseudomaculatus

  297. Sawcheek Cardinalfish  ______  (ATMF:188) (FGCF:233)
    Apogon quadrisquamatus

  298. Belted Cardinalfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:186) (FGCF:233)
    Apogon townsendi

  299. Bronze Cardinalfish  ______  (FGCF:233)
    Astrapogon alutus

  300. Blackfin Cardinalfish  ______  (ATMF:192) (FGCF:235)
    Astrapogon puncticulatus

  301. Conchfish  ______  (ATMF:1910 (FGCF:235)
    Astrapogon stellatus

    Conchfish live commensally in the mantle cavity of the Queen Conch. Their length is up to 2.5 inches. They are nocturnal.

  302. Freckled Cardinalfish  ______  (ATMF:189) (FGCH:235)
    Phaeoptyx conklini

  303. Dusky Cardinalfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:190) (FGCF:235)
    Phaeoptyx pigmentaria

  304. Sponge Cardinalfish  ______  (FGCF:235)
    Phaeoptyx xenus

    Sponge Cardinalfish
    are associated with cylindrical sponges on coral and rocky bottoms. They share tube-shaped sponge cavities with gobies and brittle stars. They feed at night.  

    ROVERS  (Family Emmelichthyidae)

  305. Crimson Rover  ______  (FGCF:255)  (species described in 1954)
    Erythrocles monodi

    SNAPPERS  (Family Lutjanidae)

  306. Black Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:257)
    Apsilus dentatus

  307. Queen Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:257)
    Etelis oculatus  

  308. Mutton Snapper ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:205) (FGCF:257)
    Lutjanus analis

  309. Schoolmaster  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:206) (FGCF:257)
    Lutjanus apodus

  310. Blackfin Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:257)
    Lutjanus buccanella

  311. Cubera Snapper  (t3) ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:209) (FGCF:259)
    Lutjanus cyanoopterus

  312. Gray Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:208) (FGCF:259)  (another name is Mangrove Skipper)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Lutjanus griseus

  313. Dog Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:207) (FGCF:259)
    Lutjanus jocu

  314. Mahogony Snapper ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:204) (FGCF:259)
    Lutjanus mahogoni

  315. Caribbean Red Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS
    Lutjanus purpureus

    The Caribbean Red Snapper replaces the Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, in the West Indies and the Caribbean.  

  316. Lane Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:203) (FGCF:261)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Lutjanus synagris

    The Lane Snapper occurs primarily around coral reefs and vegetated sandy buttoms.  

  317. Silk Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:261)
    Lutjanus vivanus

  318. Yellowtail Snapper  (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:211) (FGCF:261)
    Ocyurus chrysurus

    Yellowtail Snapper
    (photo courtesy of Diane Allison)

  319. Wenchman  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:261)
    Pristipomoides aquilonaris

  320. Slender Wenchman  ______  (FGCF:261)
    Pristipomoides freemani

  321. Vermilion Snapper  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:212) (FGCF:261)
    Rhomboplites aurorubens

    TRIPLETAILS  (Family Lobotes)

  322. Atlantic Tripletail  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:193) (FGCF:263)
    Lobotes surinamensis

    MOJARRAS  (Family Gerreidae)

  323. Irish Pompano  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:263)
    Diapterus auratus

  324. Spotfin Mojarra  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:213) (FGCF:263)
    Eucinostomus argenteus

  325. Silver Jenny  _______  DM  HS  (FGCF:263)
    Eucinostomus gula

  326. Tidewater Mojarra  ______  (FGCF:263)
    Eucinostomus harengulus

  327. Bigeye Mojarra  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:214) (FGCF:265)
    Eucinostomus havana

  328. Slender Mojarra  ______  (FGCF:265)
    Eucinostomus jonesii

  329. Mottled Mojarra  ______  (FGCF:265)
    Eucinostomus lefroyi

  330. Flagfin Mojarra  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:265)
    Eucinostomus melanopterus

  331. Striped Mojarra  ______  HS  (FGCF:265)
    Eugerres plumieri

  332. Yellowfin Mojarra  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:215) (FGCF:265)
    Gerres cinereus  

    GRUNTS  (Family Haemulidae)

  333. Black Margate  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:216) (FGCF:267)
    Anisotremus surinamensis

  334. Margate  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:218) (FGCF:267)  (also called White Margate)
    Haemulon album

  335. Tomtate  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:219) (FGCF:267)
    Haemulon aurolineatum

  336. Caesar Grunt  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:220) (FGCF:269)
    Haemulon carbonarium

  337. Smallmouth Grunt  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:221) ( FGCF:269)
    Haemulon chrysargyreum

  338. French Grunt ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:222) (FGCF:269)
    Haemulon flavolineatum

  339. Spanish Grunt  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:223) (FGCF:269)
    Haemulon macrostomum

  340. Cottonwick  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:224) (FGCF:269)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Haemulon melanurum

  341. Sailor's Choice  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:225) (FGCF:271)
    Haemulon parra

  342. White Grunt ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:226) (FGCF:271)
    Haemulon plumieri

  343. Blue-striped Grunt ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:227) (FGCF:271)
    Haemulon sciurus

  344. Striped Grunt  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:228) (FGCF:271)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758) 
    Haemulon striatum

  345. Porkfish  (ph)  ______  (ATMF:217) (FGCF:267)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)   
    Anisotremus virginicus


  346. Barred Grunt  ______  HS  (FGCF:267)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Conodon nobilis

  347. Cuban Grunt  ______  
    Orthopristis poeyi

    BONNETMOUTHS  (Family Inermiidae) 

  348. Bonnetmouth  ______  (ATMF:230) FGCF:273)  (species described in 1945)
    Emmelichthyops atlanticus

  349. Boga  ______  CY  (ATMF:231) (FGCF:273)
    Inermia vittata

    PORGIES  (Family Sparidae)

  350. Sea Bream  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:233) (FGCF:273)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Archosargus rhomboidalis

  351. Jolthead Porgy  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:238) (FGCF:275)
    Calamus bajonado

  352. Saucereye Porgy  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:236) (FGCF:275)
    Calamus calamus

  353. Sheepshead Porgy  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:275)
    Calamus penna

  354. Littlehead Porgy  ______  (FGCF:277)
    Calamus providens

  355. Silver Porgy  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:2390 (FGCF:277)
    Diplodus argenteus 

    GOATFISHES  (Family Mullidae)

  356. Yellow Goatfish ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:281) (FGCF:289)
    Mulloidichthys martinicus

  357. Red Goatfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:289)
    Mullus auratus

  358. Spotted Goatfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:283,284) (FGCF:291)
    Pseudupeneus maculatus

  359. Dwarf Goatfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMFL282) (FGCF:291)
    Upeneus parvus

    THREADFINS  (Family Polynemidae)

  360. Littlescale Threadfin  ______  (FGCF:279)
    Polydactylus oligodon

  361. Bardu  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:279)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Polydactylus virginicus

    DRUMS, CROAKERS  (Family Sciaenidae)

  362. Blue Croaker  ______  HS  (FGCF:281)
    (has been Bairdiella) batabana

  363. Striped Croaker  ______  HS  (FGCF:281)
    (has been Bairdiella) sanctaeluciae 

  364. Jackknife Fish  (ph)  ______  (ATMF:194) (FGCF:283)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Equetus lanceolatus 

    Jackknife Fish

  365. Spotted Drum ______  CY  (ATMF:195) (FGCF:283)
    Equetus punctatus

  366. Southern Kingfish  ______  (FGCF:285)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Menticirrhus americanus

  367. Gulf Kingfish  ______  (ATMF:198) (FGCF:285)
    Menticirrhus littoralis

  368. Atlantic Croaker  ______  (ATMF:199) (FGCF:285)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Micropogonias undulatus

  369. Reef Croaker  ______  (ATMF:200) (FGCF:287)
    Odontoscion dentex

  370. High-hat  ______  (ATMF:197) (FGCF:287)
    Pareques acuminatus

  371. Blackbar Drum  ______  CY  (FGCF:287)  (also called Gulf Cubbyu)  (species described in 1988) 
    Pareques iwamotoi

  372. Black Drum  (t2)  ______  (ATMF:201) (FGCF:287)
    Pogonias cromis

    The Black Drum is rare in the Antilles.

  373. Sand Drum  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:289)
    Umbrina coroides

    SWEEPERS  (Family Pempheridae)

  374. Glassy Sweeper  ______  (ATMF:277) (FGCF:291)
    Pempheris schomburgkii

    SEA CHUBS, or NIBBLERS  (Family Kyphosidae)

  375. Yellow Sea Chub  ______  CY  DM  (FGCF:291)
    Kyphosus incisor 

  376. Bermuda Sea Chub ______  CY  DM  (ATMF:312) (FGCF:291)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Kyphosus sectatrix

    ANGELFISHES  (Family Pomacanthidae)

    Closely related to the BUTTERFLYFISHES (which follow)  

  377. Qherubfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:295)  (species described in 1951)
    Centropyge argi

  378. Blue Angelfish  ______  (FGCF:295)
    Holacanthus bermudensis

  379. Queen Angelfish  (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:297)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)   
    Holocanthus ciliaris

    The Queen Angelfish hybridizes with the Blue Angelfish.

    Queen Angelfish

  380. Rock Beauty  (ph)  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:297)
    Holocanthus tricolor

    The Rock Beauty feeds on sponges.

    Rock Beauty

    in the photo below, a Rock Beauty is among rocks.
    (photo courtesy of Diane Allison)

  381. Gray Angelfish  (ph)  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:297)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Pomacanthus arcuatus 

    Gray Angelfish
    (photo by Marie Grenouillet)

  382. French Angelfish  (ph) (*)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:297)
    Pomacanthus paru

    The French Angelfish is a wonderful fish to see on a reef, up to one foot in length.  

    French Angelfish

    (photo courtesy of Michiel Koomen)

    BUTTERFLYFISHES  (Family Chaetodontidae)

    Much like marine butterflies, butterflyfish flash in yellow and black-banded beauty around West Atlantic coral reefs.

  383. Reef Butterflyfish  ______  (FGCF:293)  
    Chaetodon sedentarius

  384. Foureye Butterflyfish  (ph)  (*)  ______  (FGCF:293)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)  
    Chaetodon capistratus 

    The Foureye Butterflyfish is the most common butterfly fish in the West Atlantic. 

    Foureye Butterflyfish
    (photo courtesy of Diane Allison)

  385. Spotfin Butterflyfish  ______  HS  (FGCF:293) 
    Chaetodon ocellatus

  386. Banded Butterflyfish  ______  HS  (FGCF:293)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Chaetodon striatus

  387. Longsnout Butterflyfish  (ph)  ______  (FGCF:295) 
    Prognathodes aculeatus 

    Longsnout Butterflyfish

  388. Bank Butterflyfish  ______  (FGCF:295)
    Prognathodes aya

    HAWKFISHES  (Family Cirrhitidae)

  389. Red-spotted Hawkfish  ______  (FGCF:299)
    Amblycirrhitus pinus 

    DAMSELFISHES  (Family Pomacentridae)

  390. Dusky Damselfish  ______  (FGCF:301)
    Stegastes adustus
    (formerly fuscus

  391. Longfin Damselfish ______  CY  (FGCF:303)
    Stegastes diencaeus

  392. Beaugregory  ______  (FGCF:303)
    Stegastes leucostictus

  393. Bicolor Damselfish  ______  (FGCF:303)
    Stegastes partitus

  394. Threespot Damselfish ______  CY  (FGCF:303)
    Stegastes planifrons

  395. Cocoa Damselfish ______  (FGCF:303)
    Stegastes variabilis

  396. Yellowtail Damselfish  (ph) (*)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:301)  
    Microspathodon chrysurus

    The Yellowtail Damselfish is common on coral reefs; both adults & juveniles are splendid with their bright blue or white spots set like rhinestones across their bodies.

    Yellowtail Damselfish

  397. Sergeant Major  ______  HS  (FGCF:299)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)  
    Abudefduf saxatilis

  398. Night Sergeant  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:299)
    Abudefduf taurus

  399. Blue Chromis  ______  CY  (FGCF:299)  
    Chromis cyanea

  400. Yellowtail Reef Fish  ______  (FGCF:299)
    Chromis enchrysura

  401. Sunshinefish  ______  CY  (FGCF:301)
    Chromis insolata

  402. Brown Chromis  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:301)  (also called Yellow-edge Chromis)    
    Chromis multilineata

  403. Purple Chromis  ______  (FGCF:301)  (also called Purple Reef Fish)   
    Chromis scotti  

    WRASSES  (Family Labridae)

  404. Hogfish  (t3)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:311)  
    Lachnolaimus maximus

  405. Spotfin Hogfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:305)
    Bodianus pulchellus

  406. Spanish Hogfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:305)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Bodianus rufus

  407. Creole Wrasse  ______  (FGCF:305)  
    Clepticus parrae

  408. Red Hogfish  ______  (FGCF:305)
    Decodon puellaris

  409. Dwarf Wrasse  ______  (FGCF:305)
    Doratonotus megalepis

  410. Greenband Wrasse  ______  (FGCF:307)
    Halichoeres bathyphilus

  411. Slippery Dick  ______  CY  (FGCF:307)
    Halichoeres bivittatus

  412. Painted Wrasse  ______  (FGCF:307)
    Halichoeres caudalis

  413. Yellowcheek Wrasse  ______  (FGCF:307)
    Halichoeres cyanocephalus

  414. Yellowhead Wrasse ______  CY  (FGCF:307)
    Halichoeres garnoti

  415. Rainbow Wrasse  ______  CY  (FGCF:309)
    Halichoeres pictus

  416. Blackear Wrasse  ______  (FGCF:309)
    Halichoeres poeyi

  417. Puddingwife  (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:309)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Halichoeres radiatus 


  418. Bluehead Wrasse  (*) ______  CY   (FGCF:311)
    Thalassoma bifasciatum

    The Bluehead is one of the most successful fish in the tropical West Atlantic, with representatives of the species seemingly "everywhere". 
    The name "bluehead" is a misnomer, since only the terminal phase male, constituting about 4% of the population, has a blue head. Adult females, adult males, and juveniles are yellow-jacketed with a midlateral stripe or bar.    

  419. Rosy Razorfish  ______  (FGCF:311)
    Xyrichtys martinicensis

  420. Pearly Razorfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:313)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758) 
    Xyrichtys novacula  

  421. Green Razorfish  ______  (FGCF:313)
    Xyrichtys splendens

    PARROTFISHES  (Family Scaridae)

  422. Blue Parrotfish ______  (FGCF:313)
    Cryptotomus roseus

  423. Midnight Parrotfish ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:313)
    Scarus coelestinus

  424. Blue Parrotfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCH:313)
    Scarus coeruleus

  425. Rainbow Parrotfish  (ph) (*) ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:315)
    Scarus guacamaia 

    The Rainbow Parrotfish is one of the largest and most impressive of West Atlantic parrotfishes, up to 4 feet long. 


    Rainbow Parrotfish

  426. Striped Parrotfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:315)
    Scarus iseri

    The Striped Parrotfish may school with the Princess Parrotfish.

  427. Princess Parrotfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:315)
    Scarus taeniopterus

  428. Queen Parrotfish  (*) ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:315)
    Scarus vetula

    So different are the male & female Queen Parrotfishes that earlier fish experts assumed they were two different species; this fish has been seen to occur in "harems" of 3 or 4 females to 1 supermale, grazing together like cows & a bull. 

  429. Greenblotch Parrotfish  ______  CY  (FGCF:317)
    Sparisoma atomarium

  430. Redband Parrotfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:317)
    Sparisoma aurofrenatum

  431. Redtail Parrotfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:317)
    Sparisoma chrysopterum

  432. Bucktooth Parrotfish  ______  (FGCF:317)
    Sparisoma radians

  433. Yellowtail Parrotfish  (*)  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:319)  (also called Redfin Parrotfish)
    Sparisoma rubripinne

  434. Stoplight Parrotfish  (ph) (*) ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:319)
    Sparisoma viride 

    The harlequin-garbed red-bellied female and immature male Spotlight Parrotfishes are lovely creatures to see on the reef; the supermales are distinguished from the others by their lunate, flowing tails.

    Spotlight Parrotfish

    BIGEYES  (Family Priacanthidae)

  435. Bulleye  ______  (ATMF:179) (FGCF:227)
    Cookeolus japonicus

  436. Glasseye  ______  DM  (ATMF:180) (FGCF:227)   (also called Glasseye Snapper)
    Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (formerly Priacanthus cruentatus and Cookeolus boops

  437. Bigeye  ______  DM  HS   (ATMF:181) (FGCF:229)
    Priacanthus arenatus

  438. Short Bigeye  ______  (ATMF:178) (FGCF:229)
    Pristigenys alta

    DRIFTFISHES  (Family Nomeidae)

  439. Bigeye Cigarfish  ______  
    Cubiceps pauciradiatus

  440. Man-of-war Fish  (ph)  ______  (ATMF:384) (FGCF:389)
    Nomeus gronovii

    Juveniles of the Man-of-war Fish associate with the Portuguese Man-of-war. It lives among the tentacles of the large, up to 33 feet long, Man-of-war which has powerful stinging cells fatal to other fishes. The Man-of-war Fish is not harmed by those cells.    

    Man-of-war Fish

    ARIOMMATIDS  (Family Ariommatidae)

  441. Silver Rag  ______  DM  (FGCF:391)
    Ariomma bondi

  442. Brown Driftfish  ______  (FGCF:391)
    Ariomma melanum

  443. Spotted Driftfish  ______  DM  (FGCF:391)
    Ariomma regulus

    SQUARETAILS  (Family Tetragonuridae)

  444. Bigeye Squaretail  ______  (FGCF:391)
    Tetragonurus atlanticus

    BUTTERFISHES  (Family Stromateidae)

  445. Harvestfish  ______  HS  (FGCF:393)  (species described by Linnaeus)
    Peprilus paru

    BOARFISHES  (Family Caproidae)

  446. Shortspine Boarfish  ______  (FGCF:393)  (species described in 1959)
    Antigonia combatia

    SAND FLOUNDERS  (Family Paralichthyidae)

  447. Horned Whiff  ______  (FGCF:395)
    Citharichthys cornutus

  448. Anglefin Whiff  ______  (FGCF:397)  (species described in 1970)
    Citharichthys gymnorhinus

  449. Bay Whiff  ______  (FGCF:397)
    Citharichthys spilopterus

  450. Mexican Flounder  ______  (FGCF:397)
    Cyclopsetta chittendeni

    In the Caribbean, the Mexican Flounder occurs in Jamaica.

  451. Spotfin Flounder  ______  (FGCF:397)
    Cyclopsetta fimbriata

  452. Fringed Flounder  ______  (FGCF:399)
    Etropus crossotus

  453. Shrimp Flounder  ______  (FGCF:399)
    Gastropsetta frontalis

    In the Caribbean area, the Shrimp Flounder occurs in the Bahamas.

  454. Shoal Flounder  ______  (FGCF:401)
    Syacium gunteri

  455. Channel Flounder  ______  (FGCF:403)
    Syacium micrurum

  456. Dusky Flounder  ______  (FGCF:403)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Syacium papillosum        

    LEFTEYE FLOUNDERS  (Family Bothidae)

  457. Peacock Flounder  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:385) (FGCF:405)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Bothus lunatus

  458. Eyed Flounder  ______  HS  (ATMF:386) (FGCF:407)
    Bothus ocellatus

  459. Twospot Flounder  ______  (FGCF:407)  (species described in 1972)
    Bothus robinsi

    AMERICAN SOLES  (Family Achiridae)

  460. Lined Sole  ______  (FGCF:409)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Achirus lineatus

  461. Naked Sole  ______  (ATMF:390) (FGCF:409)
    Gymnachirus melas

  462. Scrolled Sole  ______  (FGCF:409)
    Trinectes inscriptus

    TONGUEFISHES  (Family Cynoglossidae)

  463. Caribbean Tonguefish  ______  CY  DM  (FGCF:411)
    Symphurus arawak

  464. Spottedfin Tonguefish  ______  (FGCF:411)
    Symphurus diomedeanus

    In the Caribbean, the Spottedfin Tonguefish occurs in Jamaica.

  465. Blackcheek Tonguefish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:391) (FGCF:411)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Symphurus plagiusa

    In the Caribbean area, the Blackcheek Tonguefish occurs in Cuba and rarely in the Bahamas.   

    SPADEFISHES  (Family Ephippidae)

  466. Atlantic Spadefish  (ph)  ______  HS  (ATMF:313) (FGCF:371)
    Chaetodipterus faber 

    The Atlantic Spadefish grows to 3 feet in length.

    Atlantic Spadefish

    SURGEONFISHES  (Family Acanthuridae)

  467. Ocean Surgeon  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:326) (FGCF:373)
    Acanthurus bahianus

  468. Doctorfish  (ph)  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:327) (FGCF:373)  
    Acanthurus chirurgus


  469. Blue Tang  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:328) (FGCF:373)
    Acanthurus coeruleus

    TRIGGERFISHES  (Family Balistidae)

  470. Gray Triggerfish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:413)
    Balistes capriscus

  471. Queen Triggerfish  (or "Old Wife" (*) ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:392) (FGCF:413)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Balistes vetula

    Unmistakable, the Queen Triggerfish is a mostly-yellow fish with a blue-striped head and long, trailing fin filaments. It has a special fondness for sea urchins. This fish is a reef dweller, but it also ventures into sand, seagrass, and rubble habitats. A good food fish, it's called "Turbot" in the West Indies due to its resemblance to the flatfish when skinned.

  472. Rough Triggerfish  ______  (FGCF:413)
    Canthidermis maculata

  473. Ocean Triggerfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:395) (FGCF:413)
    Canthidermis sufflamen

  474. Black Durgeon  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:393) (FGCF:415)  
    Melichthys niger

  475. Sargassum Triggerfish  ______  CY  HS  (ATMF:394)
    Xanthichthys ringens 

    FILEFISHES  (Family Monacanthidae)

  476. Dotterel Filefish  ______  (FGCF:415)
    Aluterus heudelotii

  477. Unicorn Filefish  ______  HS  (FGCF:415)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Aluterus monoceros

  478. Orange Filefish  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:415)
    Aluterus schoepfi

  479. Scrawled Filefish  (ph)  ______  (ATMF:402) (FGCF:415)
    Aluterus scriptus

    The Scrawled Filefish grows to 3 feet in length. It is highly variable: greenish, yellowish, bluish to brownish.

    Scrawled Filefish
    (photo courtesy of Marie Grenouillet)

  480. White-spotted Filefish  ______  CY  (ATMF:396) (FGCF:417)
    Cantherhines macrocerus

  481. Orange-spotted Filefish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:397) (FGCF:417)
    Cantherhines pullus

  482. Fringed Filefish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:398) (FGCF:417)
    Monacanthus ciliatus

  483. Slender Filefish  ______  (ATMF:399) (FGCF:417)
    Monacanthus tuckeri

  484. Planehead Filefish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:400) (FGCF:417)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Stephanolepis hispidus

  485. Pygmy Filefish  ______  (ATMF:401) (FGCF:417)
    Stephanolepis setifer 

    DUCKBILLS  (Family Percophidae) 

  486. Duckbill Flathead  ______  (FGCF:323)
    Bembrops anatirostris

  487. Goby Flathead  ______  (FGCF:323)
    Bembrops gobioides

    TRIPLEFIN BLENNIES  (Family Tripterygiidae)

  488. Lofty Triplefin  ______  CY  (FGCF:327)  (species described in 1960)
    Enneanectes altivelis

  489. Roghhead Triplefin  ______  CY  (FGCF:327)  (species described in 1960)
    Enneanectes boehlkei

  490. Redeye Triplefin  ______  (ATMF:329) (FGCF:327)  (species described in 1941)
    Enneanectes pectoralis

    SAND STARGAZERS  (Family Dactyloscopidae)

  491. Bigeye Stargazer  ______  DM  (FGCF:327)
    Dactyloscopus crossotus

  492. Sand Stargazer  ______  CY  (FGCF:329)
    Dactyloscopus tridigitatus

  493. Arrow Stargazer  ______  (FGCF:329)  (species described in 1952)
    Gillellus greyae

  494. Masked Stargazer  ______  (FGCF:329)  (species described in 1982)
    Gillellus healae

  495. Warteye Stargazer  ______  CY  (FGCF:329)  (species described in 1968)
    Gillellus uranidea

  496. Saddle Stargazer  ______  CY  DM  (FGCF:329)
    Platygillellus rubrocinctus

    COMBTOOTH BLENNIES  (Family Blenniidae)

  497. Striped Blenny  ______  (ATMF:341)
    Chasmodes bosquianus

  498. Pearl Blenny  ______  (FGCF:331)
    Entomacrodus nigricans

  499. Barred Blenny  ______  (FGCF:331)
    Hypleurochilus bermudensis  

  500. Oyster Blenny  ______  (FGCF:333)  (species described in 1994)
    Hypleurochilus pseudoaequipinnis

  501. Orange-spotted Blenny  ______  (FGCF:333)  (species described in 1966)
    Hypleurochilus springeri

  502. Tesselated Blenny  (ph)  ______  (ATMF:345) (FGCF:335)  (species described in 1980)
    Hypsoblennius invemar

    Tesselated Blenny

  503. Redlip Blenny  ______  (ATMF:342)
    Ophioblennius atlanticus

  504. Seaweed Blenny  ______  (ATMF:343) (FGCF:335)
    Parablennius marmoreus

  505. Molly Miller  ______  (ATMF:344) (FGCF:335)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758) 
    Scartella cristata

    TUBE BLENNIES (or PIKEBLENNIES)  (Family Chaenopsidae)

  506. Roughead Blenny  ______  CY  (FGCF:343)
    Acanthemblemaria aspera

  507. Papillose Blenny  ______  (ATMF:330) (FGCF:343)
    Acanthemblemaria chaplini

  508. Spinyhead Blenny  ______  CY  (FGCF:343)
    Acanthemblemaria spinosa

  509. Yellowface Pikeblenny  ______  CY  (FGCF:345)  (species described in 1965)
    Chaenopsis limbaughi

  510. Bluethroat Pikebblenny  ______  (ATMF:331) (FGCF:345)
    Chaenopsis ocellata

  511. Sailfin Blenny  ______  CY  (ATMF:334) (FGCF:345)
    Emblemaria pandionis 

  512. Blackhead Blenny  ______  (FGCF:1961)  (species described in 1961)
    Emblemariopsis bahamensis

  513. Arrow Blenny  ______  CY  (ATMF:332)
    Lucayablennius zingaro

  514. Wrasse Blenny  ______  (ATMF:333) (FGCF:347)
    Hemiemblemaria simulus

  515. Blackbelly Blenny  ______  (FGCF:347)
    Stathomonotus hemphillii

  516. Eelgrass Blenny  ______  (FGCF:347)
    Strathoonotus stahli

    LABRISOMID BLENNIES  (Family Labrisomidae)

  517. Puffcheek  Blenny  ______  (FGCF:337)
    Labrisomus bucciferus

  518. Palehead Blenny  ______  CY  (FGCF:337)
    Labrisomus gobio

  519. Mimic Blenny  ______  (FGCF:337)
    Labrisomus guppyi

  520. Longfin  Blenny  ______  (FGCF:337)
    Labrisomus haitiensis

  521. Downy Blenny  ______   (FGCF:337)
    Labrisomus kalisherae

  522. Spotcheek Blenny  ______  (FGCF:339)
    Labrisomus nigricinctus

  523. Hairy Blenny  ______  (ATMF:335) (FGCF:339)
    Labrisomus nuchipinnis

  524. Goldline Blenny  ______  (ATMF:339) (FGCF:339)  (species described in 1957)
    Malacoctenus aurolineatus

  525. Diamond Blenny  ______  CY  (ATMF:337)
    Malacoctenus boehlkei

  526. Rosy Blenny  ______  CY  (ATMF:338) (FGCF:339)
    Malacoctenus macropus

  527. Saddled Blenny  ______  CY  (ATMF:336) (FGCF:339) (species described in 1959)
    Malacoctenus triangulatus  

  528. Barfin Blenny  ______  CY  (FGCF:341)
    Malacoctenus versicolor

  529. Threadfin Blenny  ______  (FGCF:341)  (species described in 1975)
    Nemaclinus atelestos

  530. Coral Blenny  ______  (FGCF:341)
    Paraclinus cingulatus

  531. Banded Blenny  ______  (FGCF:341)
    Paraclinus fasciatus

  532. Marbled Blenny  ______  (FGCF:341)  (another name is Rhino Blenny)
    Paraclinus marmoratus   

  533. Blackcheek Blenny  ______  (ATMF:340) (FGCF:343)
    Starksia lepicoelia

  534. Checkered Blenny  ______  (FGCF:343)
    Starksia ocellata

    DRAGONETS  (Family Callionymidae)

  535. Spotted Dragonet  ______  (FGCF:349)
    Diplogrammus pauciradiatus

  536. Spotfin Dragonet  ______  (FGCF:349)
    Foetorepus agasizii 

  537. Lancer Dragonet  ______  CY  (ATMF:348) (FGCF:351)
    Paradiplogrammus bairdi

    SLEEPERS  (Family Eleotridae)

  538. Fat Sleeper  ______  (ATMF:373) (FGCF:351)
    Dormitator maculatus

  539. Large-scaled Spinycheek Sleeper  ______  (FGCF:351)
    Eleotris amblyopsis 
    (was Eleotris pisonis)

  540. Emerald Sleeper  ______  (FGCF:351)
    Erotelis smaragdus

  541. Bigmouth Sleeper  ______  (ATMF:374) (FGCF:353)
    Gobiomorus dormitator 

  542. Guavina  ______  
    Guavina guavina

    GOBIES  (Family Gobiidae)

  543. River Goby  ______  DM  HS
    Awaous banana

  544. Bearded Goby  ______  (FGCF:353)
    Barbulifer ceuthoecus

  545. Notchtongue Goby  ______  (FGCF:353)
    Bathygobius curacao

  546. Island Frillfin  ______  (FGCF:353)
    Bathygobius mystacium

  547. Frillfin Goby  ______  (ATMF:351) (FGCF:353)
    Bathygobius soporator

  548. White-eye Goby  ______  (FGCF:355)
    Bollmannia boqueronensis

  549. Bollmannia litura  ______  HS  (endemic to the Dominican Republic)

  550. Barfin Goby  ______  (FGCF:355)  (species described in 1960)
    Coryphopterus alloides

  551. Sand-canyon Goby  ______  (FGCF:355)  (species described in 2008)
    Coryphopterus bol

  552. Colon Goby  ______  (ATMF:352) (FGCF:355)  (species described in 1960)
    Coryphopterus dicrus

  553. Pallid Goby  ______  CY  (FGCF:355)  (species described in 1960)
    Coryphopterus eidolon

  554. Bridled Goby  ______  CY  (ATMF:353) (FGCF:355)
    Coryphopterus glaucofraenum

  555. Glass Goby  ______  (FGCF:357)  (species described in 1962)
    Coryphopterus hyalinnus

  556. Peppermint Goby  ______  (ATMF:354) (FGCF:357)  (species described in 1962)
    Coryphopterus lipernes

  557. Masked Goby  ______  CY  (ATMF:355) (FGCF:357)
    Coryphopterus personatus

  558. Bartail Goby  ______  (FGCF:357)  (species described in 1960)
    Coryphopterus thrix

  559. Patch-reef Goby  ______  (FGCF:359)
    Coryphopterus tortugae 

  560. Roughtail Goby  ______  (FGCF:363)
    Evermannichthys metzelaari

  561. Lyre Goby  ______  (ATMF:356) (FGCF:363)
    Evorthodus lyricus

  562. Goldspot Goby  ______  CY  (ATMF:367) (FGCF:363)
    Gnatholepis thompsoni

  563. Darter Goby  ______  (ATMF:357) (FGCF:359)
    (formerly Gobioides) boleosoma

  564. Violet Goby  ______  (ATMF:368) (FGCF:363)
    Gobioides broussoneti

  565. Slashcheek Goby  ______  (FGCF:359)  (species described in 1971)   
    Ctenogobius pseudofasciatus  

  566. Dash Goby  ______  (ATMF:359) (FGCF:359)  (species described in 1968)
    Ctenogobius (formerly Gobionellus) saepepallens 

  567. Emerald Goby  ______  (FGCF:359)
    Ctenogobius smaragdus

  568. Sharknose Goby  ______  (ATMF:366)
    Gobiosoma evelynae

  569. Cleaning Goby ______  
    Gobiosoma genie

  570. Rockcut Goby  ______  (FGCF:365)  (species described in 1964)
    Gobiosoma grosvenori

  571. Yellowline Goby  ______  (ATMF:364) (FGCF:361)
    (formerly Gobiosoma) horsti

  572. Tiger Goby  ______  (ATMF:360) (FGCF:361)
    Gobiosoma macrodon

  573. Green-banded Goby  ______  CY  (ATMF:362)
    Gobiosoma multifasciatum

  574. Yellownose Goby  ______  DM
    (formerly Gobiosoma) randalli

  575. Leopard Goby  ______  (ATMF:361) (FGCF:361)
    (formerly Gobiosoma) saucrum

  576. Yellowprow Goby  ______  (ATMF:365) (FGCF:363)
    (formerly Gobiosoma) xanthiprora

  577. Paleback Goby  ______  (FGCF:365)
    Gobulus myersi

  578. Crested Goby  ______  (FGCF:367)
    Lophogobius cyprinoides

  579. Bluegold Goby  ______  (FGCF:367)  (species described in 1960)
    Lythrypnus spilus

  580. Seminole Goby  ______  (FGCF:367)  (species described in 1945) 
    Microgobius carri

  581. Banner Goby  ______  (FGCF:369)  (species described in 1940)
    Microgobius microlepis

  582. Orange-spotted Goby  ______  (ATMF:369) (FGCF:369)
    Nes longus

  583. Spotfin Goby  ______  (FGCF:369)  (species described on 1958)
    Oxyurichthys stigmalophius

  584. Rusty Goby  (ph)  ______  (ATMF:371) (FGCF:369)   
    Priolepis (or Quisquilius) hipoliti

    The Rusty Goby grows to only 1.6 inches in length.

    Rusty Goby

  585. Hovering Goby  ______  (ATMF:372)
    Ptereleotris helenae

  586. Tusked Goby  ______  (FGCF:369)
    Risor ruber

  587. Sicydium punctatum  (ph)  ______  DM

    Two places in Dominica where Sicydium punctatum occurs are the Emerald Pool and in the Check Hall River. It is a diadromous species that inhabits such pools and freshwater rivers.
    When mating season arrives, the adults migrate downstream to spawn. The fertilized eggs drift out to sea with the currents where they develop from a larval stage into adults. Once in the adult stage, they migrate upstream. They have been known to travel far upstream, even climbing waterfalls. Young fish develop into ones more iridescent.  
    Sicydium punctatum are bottom-feeders. 

    Sicydium punctatum, in Dominica

    DARTFISHES  (Family Ptereleotridae)

  588. Hovering Dartfish  ______  (FGCF:371)  (species described in 1968)
    Ptereleotris helenae

    WORMFISHES  (Family Microdesmidae)

  589. Pugjaw Wormfish  ______  (FGCF:371)
    Cerdale floridana

  590. Pink Wormfish  ______  CY  (FGCF:371)
    Microdesmus longipennis

    FRESHWATER EELS  (Family Anguillidae)

  591. American Eel  ______  HS  (ATMF:74) (FGCF:99)
    Anguilla rostrata

    SPAGHETTI  EELS  (Family Moringuidae)

  592. Spaghetti Eel  ______  
    Moringua edwardsi

    FALSE MORAYS  (Family Chlopsidae)

  593. Collared Eel  ______  
    Kaupichthys nuchalis

    MORAYS  (Family Muraenidae)

  594. Chain Moray  ______  (ATMF:68) (FGCF:99)
    Echidna catenata

  595. Chestnut Moray  ______  (FGCF:99)  (species described in 1976)
    Enchelycore carychroa

  596. Viper Moray  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:69) (FGCF:99)
    Enchelycore nigricans

    The Viper Moray grows to 3.3 feet in length.

  597. Green Moray  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:71) (FGCF:99)
    Gymnothorax funebris 

    The Green Moray grows to 6.2 feet in length.

    The coloring of the Green Moray is due to yellow mucus overlying gray-blue skin.

  598. Goldentail Moray  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:70) (FGCF:101)
    Gymnothorax miliaris

  599. Spotted Moray  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:72)  (FGCF:101)
    Gymnothorax moringa

  600. Purplemouth Moray  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:73) (FGCF:103)
    Gymnothorax vicinus

    WORM EELS & SNAKE EELS  (Family Ophichthidae)

  601. Gold-spotted Eel  ______  (ATMF:76) (FGCF:103)
    Myrophis ocellatus 

  602. Speckled Worm Eel  ______  (ATMF:75) (FGCF:103)
    Myrophis punctatus

  603. Sharptail Eel  ______  CY  (ATMF:77)
    Myrichthys breviceps

  604. Shrimp Eel  ______  (FGCF:105)
    Ophichthus gomesii

  605. Spotted Snake Eel  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:78)
    Ophichthus ophis

  606. Pale-spotted Eel  ______  (FGCF:105)
    Ophichthus puncticeps 

  607. Black-spotted Snake Eel  ______  (ATMF:79)
    Quassiremus ascensionis

    CONGER EELS  (Family Congridae)

  608. Bandtooth Eel  ______  (FGCF:105)
    Ariosoma balearicum

  609. Heteroconger halis  ______  CY

  610. Brown Garden Eel  ______  (ATMF:80)
    Heteroconger longissimus

  611. Antillean Conger  ______  
    Conger esculentus

  612. Manytooth Conger  ______  (ATMF:81)
    Conger triporiceps

    PIKE CONGOR EELS  (Family Muraenesocidae)

  613. Cynoponticus savanna  ______  HS

    TENPOUNDER  (Family Elopidae)

  614. Ladyfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:65) (FGCF:97)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766) 
    Elops saurus

    TARPON  (Family Megalopidae)

  615. Tarpon  (*) ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:66) (FGCF:97)
    Megalops atlanticus 

    A number of 200-pound Tarpons have been taken by fishermen, but the record is an 8-foot giant that weighed 340 pounds. 

    BONEFISHES  (Family Albulidae)

  616. Bonefish ______  CY  DM  (ATMF: 67) (FGCF:97)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Albula vulpes

    HERRINGS  (Family Clupeidae)

  617. Dwarf Herring  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:82) (FGCF:115)
    Jenkinsia lamprotaenia

  618. False Pilchard  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:83) (FGCF:113)
    Harengula clupeola

  619. Red-ear Sardine  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:84)
    Harengula humeralis 

  620. Scaled Sardine  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:113)
    Harengula jaguana

  621. Atlantic Thread Herring  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:115)
    Opisthonema oglinum

  622. Sardinella aurita  ______  CY  HS

  623. Sardinella brasiliensis  ______  CY  HS


  624. Dogtooth Herring  ______  DM
    Chirocentrodon bleekerianus

    ANCHOVIES  (Family Engraulidae)

  625. Striped Anchovy  ______  (FGCF:107)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Anchoa hepsetus

    In the Caribbean area, the Striped Anchovy occurs in Cuba. 

  626. Bigeye Anchovy  ______  CY  HS
    Anchoa lamprotaenia

  627. Dusky Anchovy  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:107)
    Anchoa lyolepis

    SEA CATFISHES  (Family Ariidae)

  628. Gafftopsail Catfish  ______  (FGCF:115)
    Bagre marinus 

    WHITEFISHES  (Family Salmonidae)

  629. Oncorhynchus mykiss  ______  HS 

    FLAGFINS  (Family Aulopidae)

  630. Yellowfin Aulopus  ______  (FGCF:117)
    Aulopus filamentosis

    LIZARDFISHES  (Family Synodontidae)

  631. Sand Diver  ______  CY  (ATMF:87) (FGCF:119)
    Synodus intermedius

    The Sand Diver is a common reef inhabitant that belongs to the lizardfish family. It often lies half buried in the sand, which along with its camouflaged coloration, both protects it from predators and allows it to dart out and grab unwary prey. Sand Divers have a mottled reddish coloration but can change hue to blend with the background.  

  632. Red Lizardfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:88) (FGCF:119)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Synodus synodus

  633. Snakefish  ______  (ATMF:89) (FGCF:119)
    Trachinocephalus myops

    Snakefish bury themselves, and quickly ambush prey.

    VIPERFISHES  (Family Stomiidae)

  634. Bathophilus digitatus  ______  DM  HS

  635. Stomias affinis  ______  CY  DM  HS

  636. Thysanactis dentex  ______  DM    

    GREENEYES  (Family Chlorophthalmus)

  637. Shortnose Greeneye  ______  (FGCF:121)
    Chlorophthalmus agassizi

    LANCETFISHES  (Family Alepisauridae)

  638. Longnose Lancetfish  ______  (FGCF:121)
    Alepisaurus ferox

    OPAHS  (Family Lampridae)

  639. Opah  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:121)
    Lampris guttatus

    RIBBONFISHES  (Family Trachipteridae)

  640. Polka-dot Ribbonfish  ______  (FGCF:121)
    Desmodema polystictum

    OARFISHES  (Family Regalecidae)

  641. Oarfish  (ph)  ______  (FGCF:123)
    Regalecus glesne

    The Oarfish grows to 26 feet in length, and maybe longer. It is the longest known bony fish.  

    Much of what is known about the Oarfish has been learned from specimens that have washed ashore or have been accidentally caught by fisherman.
    They have been known to come to the surface of the sea at night, apparently attracted by the lights of boats.

    A live Oarfish was filmed alive for the first time in 2001when it was spotted by a team of U.S. Navy personnel repairing a buoy in the Bahamas. The fish was observed as it swam by undulating its long dorsal fin while keeping its body fairly straight. That type of propulsion is known as an amiiform mode of swimming. Oarfish have also been observed swimming in a vertical position. it is thought that may be one way that it searches for food. 

    Adult Oarfish are thought to live solitary lives. They are usually found at a depth of about 600 feet, but they have been known to go as deep as 3,000 feet.

    This unusual deep water species has been known to wash ashore on beaches after storms, providing considerable fascination to onlookers. The fish has also been found floating near the surface of the water when it is ill. 
    It is believed that the Oarfish may be responsible for legendary sightings of "sea monsters" and "sea serpents" by ancient mariners and beach goers    
    Although it is on occasion fished for sport, the Oarfish is not fished commercially as its gelatinous flesh is not considered edible. 



    BEARDFISHES  (Family Polymixiidae)

  642. Beardfish  ______  (FGCF:123)
    Polymixia lowei

    GRENADIERS (or RATTAILS)  (Family Macrouridae)

  643. Caelorinchus ventrilux  ______  DM  HS  (species described in 1973)

  644. Hymenocephalus italicus  ______  DM  HS

  645. Malacocephalus laevis  ______  CY  DM  HS

  646. Malacocephalus occidentalis  ______  CY  DM  HS

  647. Nezumia aequalis  ______  CY  DM  HS

  648. Sphagemacrurus grenadae  ______  DM

    DEEPSEA CODS  (Family Moridae)

  649. Gadella imberbis  ______  DM

    LANTERNFISHES  (Family Myctophidae)

  650. Diaphus rafinesquii  ______  HS

  651. Metallic Lanternfish  ______  (ATMF:90)
    Myctophum affine


  652. Pearlfish  ______  (ATMF:92) (FGCF:129)
    Carapus bermudensis

    CUSK-EELS  (Family Ophidiidae)

  653. Atlantic Bearded Brotula  ______  (FGCF:129)
    Brotula barbata

  654. Stripefin Brotula  ______  (FGCF:129)
    Neobythites marginatus

  655. Sleeper Cusk-eel  ______  (FGCF:131)
    Otophidium dormitator

  656. Polka-dot Cusk-eel  ______  (FGCF:133)
    Otophidium omostigma

    VIVIPAROUS (Live-bearing) BROTULAS  (Family Bythitidae)

  657. Reef-cave Brotula  ______  (FGCF:133)
    Grammonus claudei

  658. Key Brotula  ______  (FGCF:133)
    Ogilbia cayorum

  659. Longarm Brotula  ______  DM
    Calamopteryx goslinei

  660. Calamopteryx robinsorum  ______

    Calamopteryx robinsorum is known to occur in the western Caribbean, along the north coast of Cuba, and along the northeast coast of Hispaniola.

  661. Black Brotula  ______  (FGCF:133)
    Stygnobrotula latebricola

    BARRACUDAS  (Family Sphyraenidae)

  662. Great Barracuda  (ph) (*)  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:278) (FGCF:375)
    Sphyraena barracuda  

    The Great Barracuda occurs up to 10 feet in length, but is rare over 5 feet. Larger fish can carry ciguatera toxin. 

    Great Barracuda

  663. Guaguanche  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:375)
    Sphyraena guachancho

  664. Southern Sennet  ______  DM  HS
    Sphyraena picudilla  

    SNAKE MACKERELS  (Family Gempylidae)

  665. Snake Mackerel  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:375)
    Gempylus serpens

  666. Escolar  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:377)
    Lepidocybium flavobrunneum

    In the Caribbean area, the Escolar occurs in the Bahamas.

  667. Black Snake Mackerel  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:377)
    Nealotus tripes

  668. American Sackfish  ______  CY  HS  (FGCF:377)
    Neoepinnula americana

  669. Black Gemfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:377)
    Nesiarchus nasutus

  670. Oilfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:377)
    Ruvettus pretiosus

    CUTLASSFISHES  (Family Trichiuridae)

  671. Atlantic Cutlassfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (FGCF:379)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Trichiurus lepturus 

    MULLETS  (Family Mugilidae)

  672. Mountain Mullet  ______  HS  (ATMF:143)
    Agonostomus monticola

    The Mountain Mullet occurs in the Caribbean in the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas.
    Adults live in freshwater streams. Spawning is during heavy rainfall in lower rivers and at sea. 

  673. White Mullet ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:280) (FGCF:143)  
    Mugil curema

  674. Liza  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:143)
    Mugil liza

  675. Fantail Mullet  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:143)
    Mugil trichodon 

    BOXFISHES  (Family Ostraciidae)

  676. Honeycomb Cowfish  ______  (ATMF:404) (FGCF:419)
    Acanthostracion polygonia

  677. Scrawled Cowfish  ______  DM  (ATMF:403) (FGCF:419)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Acanthostracion quadricornis

  678. Trunkfish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:407) (FGCF:419)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Lactophrys trigonus

  679. Spotted Trunkfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:406) (FGCF:419)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Rhinesomus  (formerly Lactophrys) bicaudalis

  680. Smooth Trunkfish  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:405) (FGCF:419)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Rhinesomus (formerly Lactophrys) triqueter

    PUFFERS  (Family Tetraodontidae)

  681. Sharpnose Puffer  ______  (ATMF:408,409) (FGCF:421)
    Canthigaster rostrata

  682. Smooth Puffer  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:421)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1766)
    Lagocephalus laevigatus   

  683. Oceanic Puffer  ______  (FGCF:421)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Lagocephalus lagocephalus

  684. Marbled Puffer  ______  (FGCF:421)
    Sphoeroides dorsalis

  685. Southern Puffer  ______  DM  HS  (FGCF:423)
    Sphoeroides nephelus

  686. Bandtail Puffer  ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:411) (FGCF:423)
    Sphoeroides spengleri

  687. Checkered Puffer  (ph) (*)  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:412) (FGCF:423)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)  
    Sphoeroides testudineus

    A Checkered Puffer photographed during a FONT Tour 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

    PORCUPINEFISHES  (Family Diodontidae)

  688. Bridled Burrfish  ______  (ATMF:415) (FGCF:425)
    Chilomycterus antennatus

  689. Web Burrfish  ______  (ATMF:416) (FGCF:425)
    Chilomycterus antillarum

  690. Pelagic Porcupinefish  ______  (FGCF:425)
    Diodon eydouxii

  691. Balloonfish  ______  CY  (ATMF:413) (FGCF:427)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Diodon holocanthus  

  692. Porcupinefish  ______  DM  HS  (ATMF:414) (FGCF:427)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)    
    Diodon hystrix

    SWORDFISH  (Family Xiphiidae)

  693. Swordfish  ______  (FGCF:385)  (species described by Linnaeus in 1758)
    Xiphias gladius

    The Swordfish grows to 14.7 feet in length.

    BILLFISHES  (Family Xiphiidae)

  694. Sailfish ______  CY  (ATMF:375) (FGCF:385)
    Istiophorus platypterus

    The Sailfish grows to 11 feet in length.

  695. Longbill Spearfish  ______  CY  DM  (FGCF:387)
    Tetrapturus pfluegeri

    The Longbill Spearfish grows to 8.2 feet in length.

  696. White Marlin  ______  (FGCF:387) 
    (formerly Petrapturus) albidus

    The White Marlin grows to 9 feet in length. 

  697. Blue Marlin ______  CY  DM  HS  (ATMF:376) (FGCF:385)
    Makaira nigricans 

    The Blue Marlin grows to 14.7 feet in length, 

References include:

"Sea Life - A Complete Guide to the Marine Environment", edited by Geoffrey Waller, with principal contributors Marc Dando & Michael Burchett, 1996.  

"Fishes of the Atlantic Coast: Canada to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean", by Gar Goodson, 1976.  

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